Huaxia: Creatinine 4.8 in Stage 4 Kidney Disease Is It Reversible
New Choice to Lower High Creatinine 311 in CKD
Creatinine 4.8 in Stage 4 Kidney Disease Is It Reversible. High creatinine level is one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease, most of the patients will experience it. What if the serum creatinine level goes up to 4.8 ? Is it reversible ?
Creatinine is the metabolism product of muscle. The level of creatinine is affected by many factors, such as age, sex, race, muscle mass and kidney function. The creatinine level for one person changes little because most of the creatinine will pass through the kidneys to be filtered and discharged in urine.
Serum creatinine is an indicator of kidney function. If the high creatinine level stays for a long time, it means that the kidney has been damaged in some degree.
Is serum creatinine 4.8 reversible ?
Creatinine 4.8 is higher than the normal level, with the creatinine level goes high, more and more symptoms like sleepiness, fatigue, shortness of breath, confusionwill occurs. The lifespan of blood cells can also be shortened. If you are suffering from these symptoms, you should take immediate treatment.
And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney failure patient improve their kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the remaining ones from further damage. So, as one of the most effective treatment of kidney failure, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help stage 4 kidney failure patient get a chance to avoid dialysis.
What is the treatment effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
Short-term treatment effects:
- Alleviation in anemia, fatigue and poor appetite and insomnia.
- feel warm in your limbs and your face will seem ruddy
- urine volume increases and cotton-like materials can be found in urine
Long-term treatment effects:
-Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level decreases
-GFR increases
-Kidney function is improved and also protein and blood in urine can be reduced effectively
If you want to get more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment to stave off dialysis, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will try our best to help you solve the problem.
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease. Whatsapp:+86 13503211882 . Wang ShanNi Doctor ^_^
Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice
Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice
Causes and Treatment for Creatinine Levels Went up from 303 to over 600
Are There Something Effective Therapies Can Prevent Dialysis Happening
Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice. You know for people with creatinine level 7.6 and suffered from many symptoms, doctors will recommend them to take dialysis, which can help them live better and longer. But some of the people do not want to take it because they can not stand for it, then is dialysis the only choice for stage 4 kidney failure patient with creatinine level 7.6 ?
And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney failure patient improve their kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the remaining ones from further damage. So, as one of the most effective treatment of kidney failure, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help stage 4 kidney failure patient get a chance to avoid dialysis.
What is the treatment effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
Short-term treatment effects:
- Alleviation in anemia, fatigue and poor appetite and insomnia.
- feel warm in your limbs and your face will seem ruddy
- urine volume increases and cotton-like materials can be found in urine
Long-term treatment effects:
-Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level decreases
-GFR increases
-Kidney function is improved and also protein and blood in urine can be reduced effectively
If you want to get more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment to stave off dialysis, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will try our best to help you solve the problem.
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
Causes and Treatment for Creatinine Levels Went up from 303 to over 600
Are There Something Effective Therapies Can Prevent Dialysis Happening
Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice. You know for people with creatinine level 7.6 and suffered from many symptoms, doctors will recommend them to take dialysis, which can help them live better and longer. But some of the people do not want to take it because they can not stand for it, then is dialysis the only choice for stage 4 kidney failure patient with creatinine level 7.6 ?
And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney failure patient improve their kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the remaining ones from further damage. So, as one of the most effective treatment of kidney failure, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help stage 4 kidney failure patient get a chance to avoid dialysis.
What is the treatment effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
Short-term treatment effects:
- Alleviation in anemia, fatigue and poor appetite and insomnia.
- feel warm in your limbs and your face will seem ruddy
- urine volume increases and cotton-like materials can be found in urine
Long-term treatment effects:
-Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level decreases
-GFR increases
-Kidney function is improved and also protein and blood in urine can be reduced effectively
If you want to get more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment to stave off dialysis, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will try our best to help you solve the problem.
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease and new Treatment
Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease and new Treatment
Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease.
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:32:17
how can I avail the treatment, where and how much
creatinine level average of 15
kidney-expert 10-09 12:33:16
Any symptoms now? like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:33:52
actually am already on dialysis 3 times a week
kidney-expert 10-09 12:34:05
ok , for how long ? dialysis?
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:34:21
about three years now
Diuretic is usually used to discharge the extra fluids from the body. And both ACEI and ARB can significantly expand efferent arteriole of glomerulus and reduce the internal and external pressure of the glomerular capillaries. They also can improve the structure of the glomerular basement membrane, reducing its permeability to large molecules, thereby reducing proteinuria.
The above western medicines are effective to relieve swelling and proteinuria. But they cannot improve renal function that is why some patients will be bothered by years of proteinuria and swelling.
As for this condition, Chinese medicine treatments are better. Through years of clinical experience, our hospital has invented a series of natural therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Cupping Therapy, etc. They are helpful for patients to treat years of Hematuria, Proteinuria and Swelling radically.
We will choose the specific treatments for patients depending on their illness condition, so the treatment schedule is different from person to person. What is more, patient must come to our hospital to make personalized therapy.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant, but the premise is you still have residual renal function. If you wanna get more details about it or our hospital, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us or click ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882
Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease.
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:32:17
how can I avail the treatment, where and how much
creatinine level average of 15
kidney-expert 10-09 12:33:16
Any symptoms now? like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:33:52
actually am already on dialysis 3 times a week
kidney-expert 10-09 12:34:05
ok , for how long ? dialysis?
菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:34:21
about three years now
Diuretic is usually used to discharge the extra fluids from the body. And both ACEI and ARB can significantly expand efferent arteriole of glomerulus and reduce the internal and external pressure of the glomerular capillaries. They also can improve the structure of the glomerular basement membrane, reducing its permeability to large molecules, thereby reducing proteinuria.
The above western medicines are effective to relieve swelling and proteinuria. But they cannot improve renal function that is why some patients will be bothered by years of proteinuria and swelling.
As for this condition, Chinese medicine treatments are better. Through years of clinical experience, our hospital has invented a series of natural therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Cupping Therapy, etc. They are helpful for patients to treat years of Hematuria, Proteinuria and Swelling radically.
We will choose the specific treatments for patients depending on their illness condition, so the treatment schedule is different from person to person. What is more, patient must come to our hospital to make personalized therapy.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant, but the premise is you still have residual renal function. If you wanna get more details about it or our hospital, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us or click ONLINE DOCTOR for free.
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882
How to low his creatine, not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this
How to low his creatine, not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this
Is There Any Remedy to Get Rid of Dialysis in Kidney Failure
Is There Any Remedy for Diabetic Kidney Disease and High Creatinine Problem
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:24:12
Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot.
印度客人5959 11-11 01:26:48
My dad creatine now 12.50 how to control it, he s not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:02
it is very high
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:10
yes , there is
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:13
and we can help
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:28:55
I’d like to send you more related information andalternative treatment advice to help lower his high creatinine level and improve the kidney function.
We have known the side effects of dialysis and oral western medicine, that is not means for patients can not take them at all. If it is necessary, they are still have some benefits.
Chinese medicine treatment is also able to work for those problems, furthermore, it can help to alleviate the symptoms due to dialysis and medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the core treatment for Chinese medicine treatment, which is not only help to reduce creatinine level but also will repair kidney damage and improve kidney function.
Is There Any Remedy to Get Rid of Dialysis in Kidney Failure
Is There Any Remedy for Diabetic Kidney Disease and High Creatinine Problem
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:24:12
Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot.
印度客人5959 11-11 01:26:48
My dad creatine now 12.50 how to control it, he s not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:02
it is very high
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:10
yes , there is
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:13
and we can help
renal-online doctor 11-11 01:28:55
I’d like to send you more related information andalternative treatment advice to help lower his high creatinine level and improve the kidney function.
We have known the side effects of dialysis and oral western medicine, that is not means for patients can not take them at all. If it is necessary, they are still have some benefits.
Chinese medicine treatment is also able to work for those problems, furthermore, it can help to alleviate the symptoms due to dialysis and medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the core treatment for Chinese medicine treatment, which is not only help to reduce creatinine level but also will repair kidney damage and improve kidney function.
Kidney Failure Treatment More Than Kidney Transplant
Cousin sister need to undergo kidney transplantation. is there any alternative?
Kidney Failure Treatment More Than Kidney Transplant
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:00:08
Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot. Please type your question or leave your email address/phone and get free help!
美国客人11510 11-11 17:00:46
Cousin sister need to undergo kidney transplantation. is there any alternative ?
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:07
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:22
what treatment is she taking now/ dialysis?
美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:02
So far she has Not did any dialysis
renal-online octor 11-11 17:02:19
do you know what cause the kidney damage?
美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:32
She put insulin regularly
Due to diabetes
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:02:54
I’d like to send you related information and alternatvie treatment advice to help, I will contact you as soon as possible . Have a good day .
Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.
Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.
They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.
Systematic Chinese medicine treatments can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant. If you want to know more details, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us. We will do utmost to help you.
Kidney Failure Treatment More Than Kidney Transplant
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:00:08
Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot. Please type your question or leave your email address/phone and get free help!
美国客人11510 11-11 17:00:46
Cousin sister need to undergo kidney transplantation. is there any alternative ?
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:07
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:22
what treatment is she taking now/ dialysis?
美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:02
So far she has Not did any dialysis
renal-online octor 11-11 17:02:19
do you know what cause the kidney damage?
美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:32
She put insulin regularly
Due to diabetes
renal-online doctor 11-11 17:02:54
I’d like to send you related information and alternatvie treatment advice to help, I will contact you as soon as possible . Have a good day .
Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.
Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.
They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.
Systematic Chinese medicine treatments can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant. If you want to know more details, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us. We will do utmost to help you.
My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do
My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do
13-Year-Old Patient Get Away From Dialysis Successfully
Solution for Sleeping Problem of ESRD Patient on Dialysis
Welcome to Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
美国客人2271 11-11 04:10:03
Hello sir
kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:18
kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:28
Is there any person with kidney disease?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:12:38
My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do
kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:36
his creatinine level is too high
kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:41
is he on dialysis,now?
kidney-expert 11-11 04:14:55
still here?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:15:09
One dialysis have done
kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:25
i see
kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:35
then, does he have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other problem?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:16:56
kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:21
i have known his case
kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:34
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help lower the creatinine leve
美国客人2271 11-11 04:19:14
kidney-expert 11-11 04:19:28
i can send you all the information about our therapy to help you
Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.
Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.
They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.
13-Year-Old Patient Get Away From Dialysis Successfully
Solution for Sleeping Problem of ESRD Patient on Dialysis
Welcome to Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
美国客人2271 11-11 04:10:03
Hello sir
kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:18
kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:28
Is there any person with kidney disease?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:12:38
My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do
kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:36
his creatinine level is too high
kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:41
is he on dialysis,now?
kidney-expert 11-11 04:14:55
still here?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:15:09
One dialysis have done
kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:25
i see
kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:35
then, does he have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other problem?
美国客人2271 11-11 04:16:56
kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:21
i have known his case
kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:34
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help lower the creatinine leve
美国客人2271 11-11 04:19:14
kidney-expert 11-11 04:19:28
i can send you all the information about our therapy to help you
Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.
Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.
They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.
How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without Dialysis
How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without Dialysis
Welcome to Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
美国客人2637 11-11 04:59:27
How can i inprove my kidney i am a dialysis patient.
kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:49
we can help u
kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:56
how long have you been on dialysis?
美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:16
i have been a patient for five years
kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:32
i see
kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:46
then, do you know what cause the kidney damage?
美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:47
i am on home dialysis
kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:00
i have known your case
kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:13
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help you improve the kidney function
How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without DialysisIt is common situation that more and more people are choosing Dialysis to deal with Kidney Failure. However, it brings many side effects such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramp, etc. Patients wonder how long can they live without dialysis?
In the past, majority of patients choose dialysis to treat kidney disease as their hope. But to be honest, dialysis is not the perfect therapy for improving renal function because it can not perform the kidney secretion function and repair kidneys lesion.
If patients do not take dialysis, they also have other options. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Moxibustion Therapy can replace dialysis to discharge the extra creatine and other wastes from the body so as to lower High Creatinine Level and other abnormal symptoms.
The active ingredients of Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, and bring nutrients and oxygen to kidney. Gradually these natural therapies can help patients avoid dialysis or even get rid of dialysis. they also can prolong the patients’ life span with the improved renal function.
Welcome to Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
美国客人2637 11-11 04:59:27
How can i inprove my kidney i am a dialysis patient.
kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:49
we can help u
kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:56
how long have you been on dialysis?
美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:16
i have been a patient for five years
kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:32
i see
kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:46
then, do you know what cause the kidney damage?
美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:47
i am on home dialysis
kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:00
i have known your case
kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:13
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help you improve the kidney function
How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without DialysisIt is common situation that more and more people are choosing Dialysis to deal with Kidney Failure. However, it brings many side effects such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramp, etc. Patients wonder how long can they live without dialysis?
In the past, majority of patients choose dialysis to treat kidney disease as their hope. But to be honest, dialysis is not the perfect therapy for improving renal function because it can not perform the kidney secretion function and repair kidneys lesion.
If patients do not take dialysis, they also have other options. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Moxibustion Therapy can replace dialysis to discharge the extra creatine and other wastes from the body so as to lower High Creatinine Level and other abnormal symptoms.
The active ingredients of Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, and bring nutrients and oxygen to kidney. Gradually these natural therapies can help patients avoid dialysis or even get rid of dialysis. they also can prolong the patients’ life span with the improved renal function.
Where to Find Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Shrinking Cysts in Kenya
Where to Find Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Shrinking Cysts in Kenya
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
英国客人3519 11-11 07:14:40
Ive got kidney cysts, how safe is it to take jou herbal treatment
kidney-expert 11-11 07:14:57
we can help u
kidney-expert 11-11 07:15:04
what is the size of the cyst?
kidney-expert 11-11 07:16:04
do you have any symptoms.,like back pain ,swelling ,protein or blood in urine?
英国客人3519 11-11 07:17:22
Swelling. Back pain
kidney-expert 11-11 07:17:53
pls,do not worry
kidney-expert 11-11 07:18:06
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help shrink the cyst
英国客人3519 11-11 07:22:34
Is osmotherapy any good
kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:46
kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:56
it can help you shrink the cyst
Kidney CYST
Kidney Cyst is one kind of Kidney Disease. It is irreversible by itself. Once you are diagnosed with Kidney Cyst, please take prompt and proper treatment to prevent its progression and protect residual kidney function. According to kidney cyst, the key treatment should get rid of cystic fluid to make kidney cysts soft and smaller. Only in this way can reduce compression injury on kidneys.
In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a radical treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine for kidney cysts. With the help of osmotic machine, the active ingredients in Osmotherapy can be permeated into kidney meridians directly. It can increase the permeability of cystic wall, promote blood circulation and the removal of cystic fluid, decrease intracapsular pressure and inhibit the growth of cysts. What is more, the therapy can help repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. In this way, the kidney cysts can be shrunk naturally and fundamentally.
With this therapy’s help, you also can avoid surgery or biopsy successfully. But we have no branch in USA, UK, Australia, Kenya, India, Pakistan and other countries nowadays. You need to come to China to get this treatment.
If you are a kidney cyst patient and are looking for natural and effective treatment for shrinking kidney cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help you. Welcome to go abroad to China for treatment. Any problem if you have, please leave your message in the below. Best wishes!
Welcome to HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
英国客人3519 11-11 07:14:40
Ive got kidney cysts, how safe is it to take jou herbal treatment
kidney-expert 11-11 07:14:57
we can help u
kidney-expert 11-11 07:15:04
what is the size of the cyst?
kidney-expert 11-11 07:16:04
do you have any symptoms.,like back pain ,swelling ,protein or blood in urine?
英国客人3519 11-11 07:17:22
Swelling. Back pain
kidney-expert 11-11 07:17:53
pls,do not worry
kidney-expert 11-11 07:18:06
for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help shrink the cyst
英国客人3519 11-11 07:22:34
Is osmotherapy any good
kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:46
kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:56
it can help you shrink the cyst
Kidney CYST
Kidney Cyst is one kind of Kidney Disease. It is irreversible by itself. Once you are diagnosed with Kidney Cyst, please take prompt and proper treatment to prevent its progression and protect residual kidney function. According to kidney cyst, the key treatment should get rid of cystic fluid to make kidney cysts soft and smaller. Only in this way can reduce compression injury on kidneys.
In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a radical treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine for kidney cysts. With the help of osmotic machine, the active ingredients in Osmotherapy can be permeated into kidney meridians directly. It can increase the permeability of cystic wall, promote blood circulation and the removal of cystic fluid, decrease intracapsular pressure and inhibit the growth of cysts. What is more, the therapy can help repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. In this way, the kidney cysts can be shrunk naturally and fundamentally.
With this therapy’s help, you also can avoid surgery or biopsy successfully. But we have no branch in USA, UK, Australia, Kenya, India, Pakistan and other countries nowadays. You need to come to China to get this treatment.
If you are a kidney cyst patient and are looking for natural and effective treatment for shrinking kidney cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help you. Welcome to go abroad to China for treatment. Any problem if you have, please leave your message in the below. Best wishes!
Alternative Therapy of Dialysis in Renal Insufficiency
Alternative Therapy of Dialysis in Renal Insufficiency
Kidney Failure Treatment,Avoid Dialysis,Toxin-Removing TreatmentIf you are in Renal Insufficiency (Kidney Failure stage), you may be curious is there any alternative therapy of Dialysis to treat the condition effectively. The answer is positive. In this article, you will get the answer you want to know.
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In general, when your kidneys are damaged seriously, they usually fail to filter the extra waste products and toxins from the body. As the concentration of toxins is very high, it may threaten the patients’ life. That is why your doctor may insist dialysis. If so, you need to undergo it to stabilize your condition and then take another treatment to help repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Through a period of treatment, you can stop dialysis finally.
Kidney Failure Treatment,Avoid Dialysis,Toxin-Removing TreatmentIf you are in Renal Insufficiency (Kidney Failure stage), you may be curious is there any alternative therapy of Dialysis to treat the condition effectively. The answer is positive. In this article, you will get the answer you want to know.
See a doctor without leaving home? It’s easy. Click ONLINE DOCTOR directly and freely.
In general, when your kidneys are damaged seriously, they usually fail to filter the extra waste products and toxins from the body. As the concentration of toxins is very high, it may threaten the patients’ life. That is why your doctor may insist dialysis. If so, you need to undergo it to stabilize your condition and then take another treatment to help repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Through a period of treatment, you can stop dialysis finally.
Toxin-Removing Treatment is a comprehensive therapy which utilizes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
In general, when your kidneys are damaged seriously, they usually fail to filter the extra waste products and toxins from the body. As the concentration of toxins is very high, it may threaten the patients’ life. That is why your doctor may insist dialysis. If so, you need to undergo it to stabilize your condition and then take another treatment to help repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Through a period of treatment, you can stop dialysis finally.
But if you do not have severe complications, you can completely choose conservative therapy to treat kidney failure effectively.
Toxin-Removing Treatment is a comprehensive therapy which utilizes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated bath, Steaming Therapy, acupuncture therapy and various Chinese medicine therapies to remove the extra wastes through urine, stool and sweat. In this way, it can help increase the kidney self-healing ability and other medication efficiency. It can also dilate blood vessels to remove blood stasis, making blood flow smoothly and improving renal anoxia and anemia state. What is more, the Chinese medicines can provide necessary nutrition to the kidneys so as to speed up kidney recovery.
When you see the flocs in urine, it means your kidneys begin discharging the toxins from the body. About half a month of treatment, Creatinine level, BUN level, and other abnormal levels will be reduced.
If you really want to avoid dialysis in kidney failure, you should take treatment soon to save the residual kidney function. More details, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. Best wishes!
But if you do not have severe complications, you can completely choose conservative therapy to treat kidney failure effectively.
Toxin-Removing Treatment is a comprehensive therapy which utilizes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated bath, Steaming Therapy, acupuncture therapy and various Chinese medicine therapies to remove the extra wastes through urine, stool and sweat. In this way, it can help increase the kidney self-healing ability and other medication efficiency. It can also dilate blood vessels to remove blood stasis, making blood flow smoothly and improving renal anoxia and anemia state. What is more, the Chinese medicines can provide necessary nutrition to the kidneys so as to speed up kidney recovery.
When you see the flocs in urine, it means your kidneys begin discharging the toxins from the body. About half a month of treatment, Creatinine level, BUN level, and other abnormal levels will be reduced.
If you really want to avoid dialysis in kidney failure, you should take treatment soon to save the residual kidney function. More details, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. Best wishes!
High Creatinine 351 and protein in urine (Proteinuria) are all the signs of damaged kidney cells
In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, most unique treatments are created according to years of clinical experience and clinical researches, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated Bath, Moxibustion therapy, Steaming therapy, and Acupuncture therapy and so on.
The hospital has treated foreign patients from more than 148 countries, which has gained their high appreciations. These therapies can purify the internal blood environment, repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the residual kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and providing sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the damaged kidneys.
As long as you stop your kidneys deteriorating and improving the kidney function, high creatinine 351 can decline naturally. At the same time, necessary protein will be kept in the body effectively to reduce protein in urine. Other symptoms of the kidney disease will also be improved well.
The detailed treatment should depend on patients’ illness condition. In order to get an individual treatment suggestion, you can have a further talk with our ONLINE DOCTOR or leave a message in the below form directly or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to solve your problem.
The hospital has treated foreign patients from more than 148 countries, which has gained their high appreciations. These therapies can purify the internal blood environment, repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the residual kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and providing sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the damaged kidneys.
As long as you stop your kidneys deteriorating and improving the kidney function, high creatinine 351 can decline naturally. At the same time, necessary protein will be kept in the body effectively to reduce protein in urine. Other symptoms of the kidney disease will also be improved well.
The detailed treatment should depend on patients’ illness condition. In order to get an individual treatment suggestion, you can have a further talk with our ONLINE DOCTOR or leave a message in the below form directly or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to solve your problem.
This therapy has been proven to be effective to help patients slow down the progression and improve their kidney function. It is an external application therapy that patients lie on the bed comfortably to finish the whole treatment process. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances of herbs will permeate into the kidney lesion directly. At the same time, enough blood, oxygen and nutrients can be spread in the kidneys to stimulate the kidney self-healing.
It can be used combined with other treatments, including Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.
Do you have any doubt about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? If you want to know more details about natural therapies, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.
This therapy has been proven to be effective to help patients slow down the progression and improve their kidney function. It is an external application therapy that patients lie on the bed comfortably to finish the whole treatment process. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances of herbs will permeate into the kidney lesion directly. At the same time, enough blood, oxygen and nutrients can be spread in the kidneys to stimulate the kidney self-healing.
It can be used combined with other treatments, including Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.
Do you have any doubt about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? If you want to know more details about natural therapies, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.
Seek for Effective Therapy for Lupus Nephritis Stage 4 with Proteinuria
Seek for Effective Therapy for Lupus Nephritis Stage 4 with Proteinuria
This is first time I am writing in online to a ONLINE DOCTOR and I feel glad for this. Actually I am a patient of Lupus Nephritis Stage 4. I am taking medicine but I still have proteinuria. What should I do, could give me any suggestion?
kidney disease expert
Q: Hi, thank you. This is first time I am writing in online to a ONLINE DOCTOR and I feel glad for this. Actually I am a patient of Lupus Nephritis Stage 4. I am taking medicine but I still have proteinuria. What should I do, could give me any suggestion?
kidney-expert: I am also glad to help you. As for your condition, it is because your kidneys are damaged including the gloermuli. In Lupus Nephritis, if the filters of kidneys inflamed and damaged, large amount of protein will leak out into urine, forming proteinuria.
Q: Thanks for explaining, I have some understanding about it. But what is the effective therapy for my condition?
kidney-expert: I recommend Immunotherapy to you, which is a very advanced medical treatment for kidney disorder caused by immune disorder. It is a combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine, which is compromised of accurate diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune clearance, immune regulation and immune protection.
It can help you block abnormal immune reaction to prevent further kidney damage. It can also clear the cycling immune complexes in the blood to reduce their deposition on kidneys. Besides, it can increase the kidneys’ tolerance to immune complexes so that they can coexist with each other and it can strengthen your innate immune system to help you fight against the disease.
It can also combine Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the treatment effects. After a period of treatment, you will see protein in urine less and less. Your kidney function will be improved well gradually.
More details, you can leave your whatsapp number or phone number accompanied with medical reports here so that we make personal treatment plan and contact you conveniently later.
Q: Its quite unbelievable... Online doctor may call via phone or whatsapp!!! Thanks, here it is. I am waiting for your early reply, thanks again.
This is first time I am writing in online to a ONLINE DOCTOR and I feel glad for this. Actually I am a patient of Lupus Nephritis Stage 4. I am taking medicine but I still have proteinuria. What should I do, could give me any suggestion?
kidney disease expert
Q: Hi, thank you. This is first time I am writing in online to a ONLINE DOCTOR and I feel glad for this. Actually I am a patient of Lupus Nephritis Stage 4. I am taking medicine but I still have proteinuria. What should I do, could give me any suggestion?
kidney-expert: I am also glad to help you. As for your condition, it is because your kidneys are damaged including the gloermuli. In Lupus Nephritis, if the filters of kidneys inflamed and damaged, large amount of protein will leak out into urine, forming proteinuria.
Q: Thanks for explaining, I have some understanding about it. But what is the effective therapy for my condition?
kidney-expert: I recommend Immunotherapy to you, which is a very advanced medical treatment for kidney disorder caused by immune disorder. It is a combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine, which is compromised of accurate diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune clearance, immune regulation and immune protection.
It can help you block abnormal immune reaction to prevent further kidney damage. It can also clear the cycling immune complexes in the blood to reduce their deposition on kidneys. Besides, it can increase the kidneys’ tolerance to immune complexes so that they can coexist with each other and it can strengthen your innate immune system to help you fight against the disease.
It can also combine Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the treatment effects. After a period of treatment, you will see protein in urine less and less. Your kidney function will be improved well gradually.
More details, you can leave your whatsapp number or phone number accompanied with medical reports here so that we make personal treatment plan and contact you conveniently later.
Q: Its quite unbelievable... Online doctor may call via phone or whatsapp!!! Thanks, here it is. I am waiting for your early reply, thanks again.
People are bothered by the relapsed condition, it is more unfortunate for children. We want to share good news to you that Chinese medicine can be a reliable option since it has 5,000 years of history and has been proven to be effective to treat protein in urine.
Here we introduce a great innovation therapy to you—that is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy aims at repairing kidney intrinsic cells and promote kidney function from the root cause. What is more, it is comfortable, healthy, and safe without any side effects. In this way, the damaged glomeruli can be repaired well to stop protein leaking into urine. And it can not relapse facing the induced factors.
Besides, reasonable diet can also reduce the burden of kidneys. For example, controlling the protein intake. More details, you can consult us at any time.
If you want to know more details about this Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. We will make treatment plan according to your specific condition.
People are bothered by the relapsed condition, it is more unfortunate for children. We want to share good news to you that Chinese medicine can be a reliable option since it has 5,000 years of history and has been proven to be effective to treat protein in urine.
Here we introduce a great innovation therapy to you—that is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy aims at repairing kidney intrinsic cells and promote kidney function from the root cause. What is more, it is comfortable, healthy, and safe without any side effects. In this way, the damaged glomeruli can be repaired well to stop protein leaking into urine. And it can not relapse facing the induced factors.
Besides, reasonable diet can also reduce the burden of kidneys. For example, controlling the protein intake. More details, you can consult us at any time.
If you want to know more details about this Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. We will make treatment plan according to your specific condition.
In Beijing Tongshantang Hospital, about 98% proteinuria can be improved well with natural toxin-removing treatment and best service
In China, here is a professional kidney disease hospital—Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM. It is specialized in treating kidney diseases and through years of clinical experience, the renal experts have developed many effective and scientific treatments to help patients enjoy better life, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Steaming Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, etc.
Before taking treatments, we will test and diagnose the illness condition using advanced equipment, which can help doctor make proper treatment.
The Chinese medicine treatments are collectively called Toxin-Removing Treatment, aiming at completely removing various toxins and wastes from the body. If do not cleanse blood firstly, deposited toxins and wastes not only cause greater damage to kidney tissues and cells, but also reduce the other treatment efficiency.
In addition, the excretion of various toxins and wastes provides a healthy and clean environment that help kidney repair. In Beijing Tongshantang Hospital, about 98% proteinuria can be improved well with natural toxin-removing treatment and best service.
Do you suffer from refractory proteinuria or hematuria or swelling? Do you want to get rid of them radically? Toxin-Removing Treatment can help you live well. More details about our hospital and treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us.
Before taking treatments, we will test and diagnose the illness condition using advanced equipment, which can help doctor make proper treatment.
The Chinese medicine treatments are collectively called Toxin-Removing Treatment, aiming at completely removing various toxins and wastes from the body. If do not cleanse blood firstly, deposited toxins and wastes not only cause greater damage to kidney tissues and cells, but also reduce the other treatment efficiency.
In addition, the excretion of various toxins and wastes provides a healthy and clean environment that help kidney repair. In Beijing Tongshantang Hospital, about 98% proteinuria can be improved well with natural toxin-removing treatment and best service.
Do you suffer from refractory proteinuria or hematuria or swelling? Do you want to get rid of them radically? Toxin-Removing Treatment can help you live well. More details about our hospital and treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us.
If you want to reverse kidney disease and avoid dialysis
Kidney disease refers to several kidney cells and tissues of the disease or even dead cells and tissues in the kidney. What we can do is to salvage sick kidney cells and tissues as often as possible, but dialysis remains the common treatment for patients with kidney disease. When the creatinine level of patients is higher than the normal range, dialysis would be the first choice for patients to alleviate some clinical symptoms.
To help patients live a healthy life without dialysis, complete and comprehensive treatments are adopted for patients to repair the diseased kidney and also to recover kidney function.
The toxin removal treatment is a treatment to remove several toxins and waste products from the body completely, which not only helps patients prevent further damage to kidney function, but also decreases the effectiveness of other treatments. Therefore, eliminating various toxins and waste products plays an important role in repairing the diseased kidney.
If you want to reverse kidney disease and avoid dialysis, simply eliminating various toxins and waste products can not solve the problem; other treatments are needed to repair the diseased kidney and to recover kidney function.
Medicinal bath is a complete treatment in which many medicinal herbs containing this therapy, in addition, the refined powder of medicinal herbs breaks into water in which patients need to immerse their body for about 40-50 minutes. During the treatment process, it will sweat a lot as a result, many toxic substances and debris will be removed from the body along with a lot of sweat. In addition to, the Chinese Medicine Micro-osmotherapy, medicinal complete bath, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, are used to repair the diseased kidney and restore kidney function.
If you continue to take this treatment regularly, the function of the diseased kidney could be restored naturally and gradually, as a result, dialysis could be avoided.
To help patients live a healthy life without dialysis, complete and comprehensive treatments are adopted for patients to repair the diseased kidney and also to recover kidney function.
The toxin removal treatment is a treatment to remove several toxins and waste products from the body completely, which not only helps patients prevent further damage to kidney function, but also decreases the effectiveness of other treatments. Therefore, eliminating various toxins and waste products plays an important role in repairing the diseased kidney.
If you want to reverse kidney disease and avoid dialysis, simply eliminating various toxins and waste products can not solve the problem; other treatments are needed to repair the diseased kidney and to recover kidney function.
Medicinal bath is a complete treatment in which many medicinal herbs containing this therapy, in addition, the refined powder of medicinal herbs breaks into water in which patients need to immerse their body for about 40-50 minutes. During the treatment process, it will sweat a lot as a result, many toxic substances and debris will be removed from the body along with a lot of sweat. In addition to, the Chinese Medicine Micro-osmotherapy, medicinal complete bath, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, are used to repair the diseased kidney and restore kidney function.
If you continue to take this treatment regularly, the function of the diseased kidney could be restored naturally and gradually, as a result, dialysis could be avoided.
Toxin-Removing Treatment in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM is invented to repair the injured kidney cells
Generally, the kidneys expel the extra waste products like creatinine from the body and maintain the balance of electrolyte. Unfortunately, when your kidneys are damaged caused by various factors, they will be unable to perform their functions normally. This lead to the deposition of toxins in the body. That is why the creatinine level increases to 627 which shows the kidney damage is in Kidney Failure period.
Toxin-Removing Treatment in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM is invented to repair the injured kidney cells, block renal fibrosis, protect and improve your kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation. The Chinese herbal medicines can also provide more nutrients and oxygen to kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. Your creatinine level can be lowered naturally along with the improved kidney function.
This therapy is a general term which includes various Chinese medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, one of the most popular natural therapies.
If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment lowering creatinine 627, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor or email medical reports and phone number to us.
Toxin-Removing Treatment in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM is invented to repair the injured kidney cells, block renal fibrosis, protect and improve your kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation. The Chinese herbal medicines can also provide more nutrients and oxygen to kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. Your creatinine level can be lowered naturally along with the improved kidney function.
This therapy is a general term which includes various Chinese medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, one of the most popular natural therapies.
If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment lowering creatinine 627, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor or email medical reports and phone number to us.
How does micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy remedy kidney failure?
In Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM, our renal experts have invented an effective therapy, that is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. The perfect combination of Chinese herbal medicines and advanced modern medical technology plays great role that effectively dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, degrades extracellular matrix and prevents inflammation and coagulation. Little by little, the damaged kidney tissues and cells in kidney failure can be restored and kidney function can be improved to some extent.
In this way, your urine volume will be increased, high Creatinine level and other abnormal levels will be reduced naturally. You will get a high quality life. There are also other natural therapies in the hospital, such as Medicated bath, Foot Bath therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.
If you are interested in these natural therapies to avoid or delay dialysis, you can leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.
Toxin-Removing Therapy controls High Creatinine Levels and avoids kidney transplantation
Any type of kidney disease is a spatial blood disease, so treatment for kidney disease should eliminate toxins and in the meantime purify the blood. This is because our kidneys can remove metabolic wastes in the blood, therefore, if the kidneys do not work, this waste builds up in the blood. Then the waste will flow along with the blood that reaches the other organs of the body and damages other organs of the body.
If we can eliminate toxins and pure blood as well as repair damaged kidney cells, improve renal function, we will prevent kidney transplantation. However, if those toxins and debris still accumulate in the blood, kidney transplantation is also useless to save your life.
In our hospital, we use traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat kidney disease. The goal of TCM therapy is to repair damaged kidney cells and rescue the patient's own kidney. After a period of treatment, your kidney function will recover and improve greatly.
Our therapy includes two steps. One step is to eliminate the metabolic waste that accumulates in the blood and purify the blood. The second step is to renew your own kidney and control your idiopathies. The specific methods we use are various, such as Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy, enema therapy, foot bath therapy, medicinal bath therapy, circle therapy and MaiKang Blend, etc. These methods are all based on traditional Chinese medicine. Compared to Western medicines, Chinese medicines are more effective radicals for kidney disease. Patients undergoing Chinese medicine treatments are more likely to get rid of kidney transplants.
If we can eliminate toxins and pure blood as well as repair damaged kidney cells, improve renal function, we will prevent kidney transplantation. However, if those toxins and debris still accumulate in the blood, kidney transplantation is also useless to save your life.
In our hospital, we use traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat kidney disease. The goal of TCM therapy is to repair damaged kidney cells and rescue the patient's own kidney. After a period of treatment, your kidney function will recover and improve greatly.
Our therapy includes two steps. One step is to eliminate the metabolic waste that accumulates in the blood and purify the blood. The second step is to renew your own kidney and control your idiopathies. The specific methods we use are various, such as Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy, enema therapy, foot bath therapy, medicinal bath therapy, circle therapy and MaiKang Blend, etc. These methods are all based on traditional Chinese medicine. Compared to Western medicines, Chinese medicines are more effective radicals for kidney disease. Patients undergoing Chinese medicine treatments are more likely to get rid of kidney transplants.
kidney transplantation is not recommended or the lifetime of the transplanted kidney will be affected
If kidney failure is caused by hypertension or diabetes, poorly controlled high blood pressure and high blood sugar will once again cause failure of the transplanted kidney and patients will have high creatinine, therefore it is very important to carry high blood pressure and high levels of blood sugar under control.
And if patients have the following pathological conditions, kidney transplantation is not recommended or the lifetime of the transplanted kidney will be affected.
· Renal insufficiency is caused by systemic disease such as amyloidosis, nodular arterial inflammation and diffuse vasculitis etc. Because these systemic diseases will affect the transplanted kidney.
· Severe systemic infections, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer and malignant tumors etc.
· Severe heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and liver cirrhosis.
Many patients do not pay enough attention to protect their new kidney after surgery. For example, many patients may begin to have a lot of meat, drink alcohol etc. Hence it is very important that patients should pay sufficient attention to their diet daily and lifestyle to improve the lifespan of transplanted kidneys and lower the risk of relapse of kidney disease and developing high creatinine again.
And if patients have the following pathological conditions, kidney transplantation is not recommended or the lifetime of the transplanted kidney will be affected.
· Renal insufficiency is caused by systemic disease such as amyloidosis, nodular arterial inflammation and diffuse vasculitis etc. Because these systemic diseases will affect the transplanted kidney.
· Severe systemic infections, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer and malignant tumors etc.
· Severe heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and liver cirrhosis.
Many patients do not pay enough attention to protect their new kidney after surgery. For example, many patients may begin to have a lot of meat, drink alcohol etc. Hence it is very important that patients should pay sufficient attention to their diet daily and lifestyle to improve the lifespan of transplanted kidneys and lower the risk of relapse of kidney disease and developing high creatinine again.
Is Toxin-Removing Treatment available for treating FSGS?
Is Toxin-Removing Treatment available for treating FSGS?
The answer is YES. Toxin-Removing Treatment is a natural and effective therapy based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This therapy can help remove the immune complexes deposited in the blood, repair kidney damage and improve some of renal functions from the root. Through the functions of expanding blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidneys, the active substances of Chinese medicines can be permeated into kidney lesions directly. Gradually along with the improvement of renal function, related symptoms of FSGS can be alleviated fundamentally and you can live better.
If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. Best wishes!
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
The answer is YES. Toxin-Removing Treatment is a natural and effective therapy based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This therapy can help remove the immune complexes deposited in the blood, repair kidney damage and improve some of renal functions from the root. Through the functions of expanding blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidneys, the active substances of Chinese medicines can be permeated into kidney lesions directly. Gradually along with the improvement of renal function, related symptoms of FSGS can be alleviated fundamentally and you can live better.
If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. Best wishes!
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
High Creatinine Level 4.6 signifies the kidneys have been damaged seriously
High Creatinine Level 4.6 signifies the kidneys have been damaged seriously. The kidney disease is considered to progress to stage 3 CKD nearly close to kidney failure. In this stage, it is possible to reverse the condition in stage 2 or prevent it from further deterioration if you can take timely therapies.
In China, TCM treatments are widely used in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to help restore the parts of damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve some of detoxification functions through dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and supplementing necessary nutrients and oxygen to kidneys. In this way, the kidney fibrosis can be relieved well to alleviate renal anoxia and anemia. Symptoms in stage 3 CKD like fatigue, back pain can disappear naturally and creatinine 4.6 will be reduced from the root.
The treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, Steaming Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Cupping Therapy, and Massage and so on.
There is chance to recover kidney function with creatinine 4.6. If you want to know more details about TCM treatments, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you. Best wishes!
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
In China, TCM treatments are widely used in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to help restore the parts of damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve some of detoxification functions through dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and supplementing necessary nutrients and oxygen to kidneys. In this way, the kidney fibrosis can be relieved well to alleviate renal anoxia and anemia. Symptoms in stage 3 CKD like fatigue, back pain can disappear naturally and creatinine 4.6 will be reduced from the root.
The treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, Steaming Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Cupping Therapy, and Massage and so on.
There is chance to recover kidney function with creatinine 4.6. If you want to know more details about TCM treatments, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you. Best wishes!
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
Studies show that people with kidney transplants live longer than those who remain on Dialysis
Studies show that people with kidney transplants live longer than those who remain on Dialysis. But you should pay attention to the following things before kidney transplant.
1. Before kidney transplant, we suggest you firstly cleanse the toxins in the body to increase the life expectancy of new transplanted kidney. If you do not cleanse blood firstly, these toxins will arrive at the new kidney via blood circulation, affecting its expectancy. This is one of the reasons of elevated Creatinine after transplantation for most patients.
2. Waiting the donated kidney is consuming time, in which we can not expect what will happen. To guarantee the patient’s life safety, it is very crucial to remove toxins and wastes before the occurrence of high risk factors.
In China, we mainly adopt systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment in treating Kidney Disease. Through cleansing blood, it can increase the absorption of medications you take and play medication efficiency to help speed up the kidney recovery.
It is very necessary to cleanse blood before taking transplantation. If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
1. Before kidney transplant, we suggest you firstly cleanse the toxins in the body to increase the life expectancy of new transplanted kidney. If you do not cleanse blood firstly, these toxins will arrive at the new kidney via blood circulation, affecting its expectancy. This is one of the reasons of elevated Creatinine after transplantation for most patients.
2. Waiting the donated kidney is consuming time, in which we can not expect what will happen. To guarantee the patient’s life safety, it is very crucial to remove toxins and wastes before the occurrence of high risk factors.
In China, we mainly adopt systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment in treating Kidney Disease. Through cleansing blood, it can increase the absorption of medications you take and play medication efficiency to help speed up the kidney recovery.
It is very necessary to cleanse blood before taking transplantation. If you want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.
If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.
Necessary actions should be taken
Necessary actions should be taken:
-- Remove the deposited waste products
-- Repair the injured kidney tissues and cells
-- Improve some of renal detoxification function
As long as your renal function gets improved well to filter wastes from the body, the symptoms of CKD patients suffering can be relieved from the root and high creatinine level 7.84 can be reduced naturally.
Recommended effective medicine treatments:
Systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy, can firstly remove wastes including creatinine from your body by increasing urine volume and sweating a lot.
In a good and clean blood environment, the Chinese medicines can completely play their functions to stimulate the self-healing ability of damaged kidneys and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation and providing nutrients to kidneys. With the recovery of your renal function, your creatinine 7.84 will be reduced naturally and radically and you can reduce or avoid Dialysis.
If you are diagnosed with CKD with high creatinine level, effective therapy should be taken timely. If you are interested in the Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or send medical reports and your problems to us to get more details.
-- Remove the deposited waste products
-- Repair the injured kidney tissues and cells
-- Improve some of renal detoxification function
As long as your renal function gets improved well to filter wastes from the body, the symptoms of CKD patients suffering can be relieved from the root and high creatinine level 7.84 can be reduced naturally.
Recommended effective medicine treatments:
Systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy, can firstly remove wastes including creatinine from your body by increasing urine volume and sweating a lot.
In a good and clean blood environment, the Chinese medicines can completely play their functions to stimulate the self-healing ability of damaged kidneys and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation and providing nutrients to kidneys. With the recovery of your renal function, your creatinine 7.84 will be reduced naturally and radically and you can reduce or avoid Dialysis.
If you are diagnosed with CKD with high creatinine level, effective therapy should be taken timely. If you are interested in the Toxin-Removing Treatment, please leave a message below or send medical reports and your problems to us to get more details.
What is the treatment for creatinine 3.92 in FSGS?
What is the treatment for creatinine 3.92 in FSGS?
Since elevated creatinine level is caused by the damaged kidneys, the underlying therapy should not focus on reducing creatinine level 3.92 or any other creatinine level but repairing kidney damage and improving your renal function from the root. If so, your disease can be prevented effectively with reduced creatinine.
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM has a series of natural therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which are known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, Moxibustion therapy, Steaming Therapy, Acupuncture therapy, etc.
They are effective for treating FSGS with creatinine 3.92 through repairing the damaged kidney tissues and intrinsic cells and improving renal function. Some of them are used externally, some are oral, and some are used combined with the advanced machine, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
As long as your kidneys work again to filter wastes and cleanse blood without making further damage to other organs. And symptoms of kidney disease can disappear gradually and creatinine 3.92 can be reduced naturally.
If you want to know more details about Chinese medicine treatments, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. We will reply you with professional suggestions.
Since elevated creatinine level is caused by the damaged kidneys, the underlying therapy should not focus on reducing creatinine level 3.92 or any other creatinine level but repairing kidney damage and improving your renal function from the root. If so, your disease can be prevented effectively with reduced creatinine.
Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of TCM has a series of natural therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, which are known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, Moxibustion therapy, Steaming Therapy, Acupuncture therapy, etc.
They are effective for treating FSGS with creatinine 3.92 through repairing the damaged kidney tissues and intrinsic cells and improving renal function. Some of them are used externally, some are oral, and some are used combined with the advanced machine, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
As long as your kidneys work again to filter wastes and cleanse blood without making further damage to other organs. And symptoms of kidney disease can disappear gradually and creatinine 3.92 can be reduced naturally.
If you want to know more details about Chinese medicine treatments, please leave a message below or email medical reports to us. We will reply you with professional suggestions.
Treatment suggestions for damaged transplanted kidney
Due to kidney damage and declined renal function, there must be lots of waste products and extra fluid deposited in blood, like creatinine, urea, phosphorus, which will cause the donated kidney in turn. Thus it is extremely important to purify the blood.
Mature and systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment is strongly suggested to you. It contains various Chinese medicine treatments, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, to help you cleanse blood effectively to create a good environment for kidney self-healing. Besides, the Chinese medicines have the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis to provide enough oxygen and blood volume to kidneys.
With the improved renal function, creatinine and other wastes can be passed out of the body naturally to delay Dialysis or kidney transplant again.
If you want to know more details about our systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment for increased creatinine level, please leave a message below or email . We will do utmost to help you.
Mature and systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment is strongly suggested to you. It contains various Chinese medicine treatments, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated Bath, to help you cleanse blood effectively to create a good environment for kidney self-healing. Besides, the Chinese medicines have the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis to provide enough oxygen and blood volume to kidneys.
With the improved renal function, creatinine and other wastes can be passed out of the body naturally to delay Dialysis or kidney transplant again.
If you want to know more details about our systematic Toxin-Removing Treatment for increased creatinine level, please leave a message below or email . We will do utmost to help you.
10% of Renal Function: How to Avoid Dialysis?
10% of Renal Function: How to Avoid Dialysis?
10% of Renal Function: How to Avoid Dialysis 10% of remaining kidney function means that the kidneys have been severely damaged, and patients are already in stage 5 of kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. In this condition, dialysis will be suggested to prolong the life of patients. However, is there any other treatment to help prevent dialysis? In this article, we will get the answer.
Why do not people like to start dialysis with 10% kidney function?
Dialysis is a replacement therapy that can help filter blood and remove waste through a dialysis machine. Thus, it can help alleviate some of the serious symptoms of kidney failure. However, dialysis can not repair kidney damage and restore kidney function, so patients should regularly take about 3-4 times a week, which will affect quality of life. In addition, long-term dialysis can also cause some serious side effects. Therefore, more and more renal patients are trying to obtain an alternative treatment without dialysis.
10% renal function: how to avoid dialysis?
In China, there is a systematic treatment of Chinese medicine to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, which is known as toxin removal treatment. It is a characteristic Chinese treatment that includes Chinese therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine, Osmotherapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, Chinese oral medicine, moxibustion therapy, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, etc. Depending on the specific disease state of the patients, different therapies will be used.
The toxin removal treatment can help eliminate toxins and wastes naturally by increasing urine production, defecation and sweating of the skin, so it can help to bleed the blood and create a good blood environment for a treatment later. And it can also dilate blood vessels and increase the volume of blood in the kidneys, which can bring more nutritive elements to the kidneys, so it can repair damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function from the root.
10% of Renal Function: How to Avoid Dialysis 10% of remaining kidney function means that the kidneys have been severely damaged, and patients are already in stage 5 of kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. In this condition, dialysis will be suggested to prolong the life of patients. However, is there any other treatment to help prevent dialysis? In this article, we will get the answer.
Why do not people like to start dialysis with 10% kidney function?
Dialysis is a replacement therapy that can help filter blood and remove waste through a dialysis machine. Thus, it can help alleviate some of the serious symptoms of kidney failure. However, dialysis can not repair kidney damage and restore kidney function, so patients should regularly take about 3-4 times a week, which will affect quality of life. In addition, long-term dialysis can also cause some serious side effects. Therefore, more and more renal patients are trying to obtain an alternative treatment without dialysis.
10% renal function: how to avoid dialysis?
In China, there is a systematic treatment of Chinese medicine to repair kidney damage and improve kidney function, which is known as toxin removal treatment. It is a characteristic Chinese treatment that includes Chinese therapies, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine, Osmotherapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, Chinese oral medicine, moxibustion therapy, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, etc. Depending on the specific disease state of the patients, different therapies will be used.
The toxin removal treatment can help eliminate toxins and wastes naturally by increasing urine production, defecation and sweating of the skin, so it can help to bleed the blood and create a good blood environment for a treatment later. And it can also dilate blood vessels and increase the volume of blood in the kidneys, which can bring more nutritive elements to the kidneys, so it can repair damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function from the root.
Is There Any Drug Reviving Urine Foam for Chronic Nephritis?
Is There Any Drug Reviving Urine Foam for Chronic Nephritis? In general, foamy urine often appears for chronic nephritis. While there are drugs that replenish foaming urine for chronic nephritis?
For patients with chronic nephritis, the presence of foam in the urine usually means a leakage of protein into the urine, which is an index of the kidney problem, but there are many other factors that drive it, so it is best for patients to do some tests to confirm whether the disease condition is caused by proteinuria induced by chronic nephritis.
Clinically, steroid treatment would be the first choice to reduce protein in the urine in patients with chronic nephritis. In spite of this, it can not prevent foamy urine from coming out again and again, and finally, it will be incurable. In addition, it will cause patients to experience weight gain, memory loss, moonlitness, fatigue, and other suffering. Therefore, more and more patients are wondering if they can be treated with other treatments.
In China, Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, will provide a good dose of herbal medicine for patients in order to repair kidney damage and strengthen kidney function. Only in this way, the foamy urine can be treated fundamentally and will remain negative and not easily induced.
In fact, each of the Chinese medicines that involve oral Chinese herbal treatment, toxin removal treatment, cyclic therapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, acupuncture, immunotherapy, etc., can play an important role to help patients rebuild kidney function naturally and effectively.
When the kidney is restored, the foamy urine will dissolve and patients will be able to return to normal life. However, here I can not give you the exact name of the treatment since the treatments generally combine to do everything possible to help improve the conditions of illness according to the physical situation of the patients.
For patients with chronic nephritis, the presence of foam in the urine usually means a leakage of protein into the urine, which is an index of the kidney problem, but there are many other factors that drive it, so it is best for patients to do some tests to confirm whether the disease condition is caused by proteinuria induced by chronic nephritis.
Clinically, steroid treatment would be the first choice to reduce protein in the urine in patients with chronic nephritis. In spite of this, it can not prevent foamy urine from coming out again and again, and finally, it will be incurable. In addition, it will cause patients to experience weight gain, memory loss, moonlitness, fatigue, and other suffering. Therefore, more and more patients are wondering if they can be treated with other treatments.
In China, Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, will provide a good dose of herbal medicine for patients in order to repair kidney damage and strengthen kidney function. Only in this way, the foamy urine can be treated fundamentally and will remain negative and not easily induced.
In fact, each of the Chinese medicines that involve oral Chinese herbal treatment, toxin removal treatment, cyclic therapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, acupuncture, immunotherapy, etc., can play an important role to help patients rebuild kidney function naturally and effectively.
When the kidney is restored, the foamy urine will dissolve and patients will be able to return to normal life. However, here I can not give you the exact name of the treatment since the treatments generally combine to do everything possible to help improve the conditions of illness according to the physical situation of the patients.
Can a Renal Patient Reject Dialysis?
Can a Renal Patient Reject Dialysis?
Can a Kidney Patient Reject Dialysis? Dialysis is the common approach for kidney patients. But more and more patients reject dialysis. Is there any chance of stopping dialysis?
Yes it is. If you do not like dialysis, you can take the toxin removal treatment to repair your own kidney damage and improve your kidney function. In this way, dialysis can be eliminated.
What is the toxin removal treatment?
It is a systematic and unique Chinese medicine treatment in our hospital which includes the Chinese Micro-Medicine osmoterapia, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, moxbusticon therapy, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, etc. Depending on your specific illness, our doctor give you the right treatments. Several treatments are usually combined to treat your kidney problem.
How does the toxin removal treatment help you avoid dialysis?
By repairing damaged kidney damage and improving kidney function, the toxin removal treatment can replace your dialysis. Before improving your kidney function, this therapy first cleanses your blood by removing waste and toxins from your blood and intrinsic kidney cells. This can give you a clean blood environment. Then, Chinese medicines can function effectively to restore kidney damage and improve kidney function by dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading the extracellular matrix, providing nutrients and eliminating blood stasis. When you improve your kidney function, you may be able to avoid dialysis.
Can a Kidney Patient Reject Dialysis? Dialysis is the common approach for kidney patients. But more and more patients reject dialysis. Is there any chance of stopping dialysis?
Yes it is. If you do not like dialysis, you can take the toxin removal treatment to repair your own kidney damage and improve your kidney function. In this way, dialysis can be eliminated.
What is the toxin removal treatment?
It is a systematic and unique Chinese medicine treatment in our hospital which includes the Chinese Micro-Medicine osmoterapia, medicinal foot bath, medicinal complete bath, moxbusticon therapy, enema therapy, circle therapy, acupuncture, etc. Depending on your specific illness, our doctor give you the right treatments. Several treatments are usually combined to treat your kidney problem.
How does the toxin removal treatment help you avoid dialysis?
By repairing damaged kidney damage and improving kidney function, the toxin removal treatment can replace your dialysis. Before improving your kidney function, this therapy first cleanses your blood by removing waste and toxins from your blood and intrinsic kidney cells. This can give you a clean blood environment. Then, Chinese medicines can function effectively to restore kidney damage and improve kidney function by dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading the extracellular matrix, providing nutrients and eliminating blood stasis. When you improve your kidney function, you may be able to avoid dialysis.
An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China
I am a Chronic Nephritis patient with large amount of Proteinuria and severe occult blood. I have an unforgettable treatment experience in a specialized kidney disease hospital of China.
In here, I am not only accepted satisfactory treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicines, but also spend an unforgettable birthday in the hospital. The nurses and doctors accompanied me to spend my birthday, which made me very moved.
An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China
Satisfactory treatments for my condition:
I have been treated for two weeks. With the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, my 24-hour urine protein quantification reduced to 1.24g from 6.07g and occult blood also became negative from 2+. In this way, proteinuria must be eliminated effectively at last.
An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China
Most of treatments are used externally which do not have side effects and discomforts for me.
Unforgettable birthday
Yesterday it was my birthday. My doctor and nurses held a small birthday party for me. When they pushed a cart with a birthday cake on it into the ward with singing birthday song, I was so surprised and overjoyed.
Hope you also find the suitable treatment for you and treat your condition radically to live better life.
In here, I am not only accepted satisfactory treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicines, but also spend an unforgettable birthday in the hospital. The nurses and doctors accompanied me to spend my birthday, which made me very moved.
An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China
Satisfactory treatments for my condition:
I have been treated for two weeks. With the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, my 24-hour urine protein quantification reduced to 1.24g from 6.07g and occult blood also became negative from 2+. In this way, proteinuria must be eliminated effectively at last.
An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China An Unforgettable Treatment Experience in Kidney Disease Hospital China
Most of treatments are used externally which do not have side effects and discomforts for me.
Unforgettable birthday
Yesterday it was my birthday. My doctor and nurses held a small birthday party for me. When they pushed a cart with a birthday cake on it into the ward with singing birthday song, I was so surprised and overjoyed.
Hope you also find the suitable treatment for you and treat your condition radically to live better life.
Not Ready for Dialysis with Creatinine 3.2 What to Do
Hello, Sir. Last blood test in April had creatinine at 3.2. The doctor is talking about dialysis already…not quite ready for that. What else can I do to delay my kidney disease?
Creatinine 3.2 shows that patient’s Chronic Kidney Disease has worsened into Stage 3 CKD. It is a key period, in which timely and effective treatments play an important role in delaying the worsening of renal function.
Dialysis can be used suitably to reduce the high creatinine and relieve the serious kidney disease to some extent. But it is an imperfect treatment since it can not correct the compromised endocrine functions of the kidney.
In this case, to choose another therapy to reverse your impaired kidneys is necessary. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Therapy can help you more to change your current condition and improve the renal function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a typical external application of TCM and is specialized in treating CKD. Compared with dialysis, it aims at protecting patient’s remaining health and increasing their function as far as possible. The most important is that it offers a better renal internal environment and promotes the renal recovery.
If you have any question please ask email to and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease. So if you want to get a personalized treatment plan, you need to send us your current medical reports and phone number or WhatsApp to . My Whatsapp/WeChat:+86 13503211882 . Shan-Shan Wang(姗姗) Doctor ^_^
Creatinine 3.2 shows that patient’s Chronic Kidney Disease has worsened into Stage 3 CKD. It is a key period, in which timely and effective treatments play an important role in delaying the worsening of renal function.
Dialysis can be used suitably to reduce the high creatinine and relieve the serious kidney disease to some extent. But it is an imperfect treatment since it can not correct the compromised endocrine functions of the kidney.
In this case, to choose another therapy to reverse your impaired kidneys is necessary. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Therapy can help you more to change your current condition and improve the renal function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a typical external application of TCM and is specialized in treating CKD. Compared with dialysis, it aims at protecting patient’s remaining health and increasing their function as far as possible. The most important is that it offers a better renal internal environment and promotes the renal recovery.
If you have any question please ask email to and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease. So if you want to get a personalized treatment plan, you need to send us your current medical reports and phone number or WhatsApp to . My Whatsapp/WeChat:+86 13503211882 . Shan-Shan Wang(姗姗) Doctor ^_^
Why is the patient of acute nephritis swollen
Why is the patient of acute nephritis swollen
Acute nephritis patients mainly because of the reduced glomerular filtration, and renal tubular reabsorption function is still the basic normal, normal renal tubule was 99%, and the weight of water uptake of sodium, potassium, urea, uric acid, etc. There are different levels of heavy absorption, therefore cause water sodium retention.
In addition, systemic capillary permeability increases, plasma protein infiltration tissue clearance is also a reason.
In addition, some people think that the occurrence of edema in acute nephritis is mainly the result of the increase of capillary permeability and fluid extravasation.
Others believe that edema is associated with heart failure caused by high blood pressure.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
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acute nephritis |
Acute nephritis patients mainly because of the reduced glomerular filtration, and renal tubular reabsorption function is still the basic normal, normal renal tubule was 99%, and the weight of water uptake of sodium, potassium, urea, uric acid, etc. There are different levels of heavy absorption, therefore cause water sodium retention.
In addition, systemic capillary permeability increases, plasma protein infiltration tissue clearance is also a reason.
In addition, some people think that the occurrence of edema in acute nephritis is mainly the result of the increase of capillary permeability and fluid extravasation.
Others believe that edema is associated with heart failure caused by high blood pressure.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
How to Treat Patients with Creatinine Level 5?
How to Treat Patients with Creatinine Level 5? Creatinine is a kind of toxin caused by muscle metabolism, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.
The normal range of creatinine level should be 0.5 to 1.2 mg/dL. So according to this standard, creatinine 5 is much higher than the normal range.
Generally, creatinine is removed from the blood mainly by kidneys or by glomerular filtration. Once the kidney are damaged, they can not work as normal as before. The creatinine in the blood can not be eliminated out as before. In turn, high creatinine level in the blood will further aggravate the conditions of kidneys.
If patients do not choose effective treatment to control the disease, soon they will have to do dialysis. And as we all know, it is not a good choice for patients with kidney disease.
However, except the dialysis, there is another treatment method called polluted blood therapy which based on traditional chinese medicines. The goal of this treatment therapy is to clear out the wastes like creatinine and then restore the impaired kidney cells by using traditional chinese medicines. It can stimulate the self-regeneration of the impaired kidney tissues to restore and improve renal function. In this way, high creatinine will be reduced fundamentally.
If you are interested in this treatment therapy, please contact our online doctors or leave us a message for free.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
The normal range of creatinine level should be 0.5 to 1.2 mg/dL. So according to this standard, creatinine 5 is much higher than the normal range.
Generally, creatinine is removed from the blood mainly by kidneys or by glomerular filtration. Once the kidney are damaged, they can not work as normal as before. The creatinine in the blood can not be eliminated out as before. In turn, high creatinine level in the blood will further aggravate the conditions of kidneys.
If patients do not choose effective treatment to control the disease, soon they will have to do dialysis. And as we all know, it is not a good choice for patients with kidney disease.
However, except the dialysis, there is another treatment method called polluted blood therapy which based on traditional chinese medicines. The goal of this treatment therapy is to clear out the wastes like creatinine and then restore the impaired kidney cells by using traditional chinese medicines. It can stimulate the self-regeneration of the impaired kidney tissues to restore and improve renal function. In this way, high creatinine will be reduced fundamentally.
If you are interested in this treatment therapy, please contact our online doctors or leave us a message for free.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
reduce the high creatinine of hypertensive renal disease naturally
reduce the high creatinine of hypertensive renal disease naturally
More and more hypertensive kidney disease patients have high creatinine which in fact poses a serious threat to many people. If you have high creatinine, it is possible the following text may help you.
As we all know, hypertension can cause kidney disease and hypertension is kidney disease. However, high creatinine is an obvious symptom of renal failure. Of course, we can conclude that all these factors can contribute to kidney failure or even become CKD (chronic kidney disease). It is necessary for us to know some effective methods to reduce high creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease to ensure kidney health.
But no matter how, the best and most appropriate way to reduce creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease should become the one saved. The key is that this treatment can improve kidney function and repair kidney damage. Therefore, the kidney can continue to operate and provide us with a healthy body. We only cure the disease from the root, we can solve the problem completely. That means we have to repair the kidney so we can successfully reduce the high level of creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease.
The world has many treatments to reduce high creatinine, but for the above reasons we represent the natural treatments. Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy, its functions are immune regulation and metabolic function and can control the development of disease. can improve microcirculation disturbance of damaged kidneys, provide a repair environment with oxygen to the kidneys and accelerate the repair of inherent cells.
If you have questions about this text or want to know more about your illness, please contact our online teacher, please.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 18730617149, +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
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high creatinine |
More and more hypertensive kidney disease patients have high creatinine which in fact poses a serious threat to many people. If you have high creatinine, it is possible the following text may help you.
As we all know, hypertension can cause kidney disease and hypertension is kidney disease. However, high creatinine is an obvious symptom of renal failure. Of course, we can conclude that all these factors can contribute to kidney failure or even become CKD (chronic kidney disease). It is necessary for us to know some effective methods to reduce high creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease to ensure kidney health.
But no matter how, the best and most appropriate way to reduce creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease should become the one saved. The key is that this treatment can improve kidney function and repair kidney damage. Therefore, the kidney can continue to operate and provide us with a healthy body. We only cure the disease from the root, we can solve the problem completely. That means we have to repair the kidney so we can successfully reduce the high level of creatinine in hypertensive kidney disease.
The world has many treatments to reduce high creatinine, but for the above reasons we represent the natural treatments. Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy, its functions are immune regulation and metabolic function and can control the development of disease. can improve microcirculation disturbance of damaged kidneys, provide a repair environment with oxygen to the kidneys and accelerate the repair of inherent cells.
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high creatinine |
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 18730617149, +86 13503211882
Skype: abc.kidney
if patients with high creatinine can eat chicken
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if patients with high creatinine can eat chicken |
In most situations, high creatinine is an index of kidney damage. When you get high creatinine, you have to take great care of your diet. Chicken is a common meal, so many patients ask us: if they can eat the chicken?
creatinine level and kidney
Creatinine is a waste product of muscle metabolism. Generally, every day has 2% of creatine changed to creatinine. Kidney work is cleansing the body's creatinine. Therefore, the novel serum creatinine is stable (male 0.6-1.2mg / dl, female 0.5-1.1mg / dl). And dehydration, strenuous exercise, a long history of hypertension, various kidney diseases also cause high creatinine.
Creatine is the main source of creatinine in the blood. So, if you want to lower creatinine, limiting creatine intake is important.
If the chicken has creatine?
The chicken is the same as other meats, most meat creatine is permanent, almost every kilogram meat has 4-5 grams of creatine. But, because creatinine is produced by muscle metabolism, the creatinine in muscle tissue of chicken outweighs another organ.
Therefore, we already know the chicken is also a source of creatinine. To persens who creatinine is high than normal level, this is possible high your creatinine level, but chicken and other lean meat have protein with high quality, are good to renal patient.
the summary
Because chicken is a meal can satisfy the protein need of patients, but can increase the creatinine level, you have to confirm the amount of your chicken.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
What are the influences of creatinine on the kidney?
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What are the influences of creatinine on the kidney? |
People know creatinine is an important indicator to know if the kidney has disease, high creatinine or low creatinine are having kidney damage. So, what are the influences of creatinine on the kidney? The next words are the dangers of high creatinine.
1. Disorders of water metabolism: even a lot of urine, increased night urine, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue, or systemic edema, hypertension, pulmonary edema and heart failure.
2. Sodium metabolism disorders: High creatinine causes hyponatremia or hypernatremia.
3. Potassium Metabolism Disorders: High creatinine always appreciates hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
4. Metabolic acidosis: patients with high creatinine have these symptoms, deep and long breathing, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, agitation and even coma.
5. Aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and other metabolic disorders.
6. Renal osteodystrophy: Bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; Bone pain is often entirely body, especially the lower body, bone deformities can cause symptoms such as short stature.
7. Respiratory System Diseases
8. Diseases of the circulatory system
9. Diseases of the digestive system
10. Diseases of the blood system, for example renal anemia
11.the infection
12. Diseases of the neuromuscular system and skin symptoms
13. Endocrine dysfunction
14. Patients with high creatinine appear thyroid dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, growth retardation as well.
15. Metabolic disorders: carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism and amino acids disorders of metabolism of lipids, retention of metabolic waste, etc.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:,,,
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
may reduce creatinine
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may reduce creatinine |
Can it reduce creatinine? Many renal patients ask this question every time. In here, we emphasize that the reason for this sentence is if we re-elevate high creatinine successfully, and how is the question?
Why is your creatinine high?
Creatinine is produced by muscle metabolism, therefore, almost all of the creatinine can filter out the glomerular reabsorption and tubular small molecules. This is to say that almost all creatinine exits the body with urine.
Serum creatinine levels reflect the amount of creatinine in the blood. He has close contact with renal function or glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Generally, renal function and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are low, creatinine is high.
Of course, renal function or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is not the only reason for high creatinine. dehydration, kidney infections, overwork, strenuous exercise, high blood pressure fatigue floating, certain drugs, are can cause high creatinine.
How to reduce creatinine?
The answer is complex because the unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits caused by high creatinine levels can be easily managed. But if high creatinine is related to kidney damage, the situation is different.
If the reason for your high creatinine is the first, you have to change your life or diet. For example, away infection, limit protein, avoid strenuous exercise, rest a lot. After you have a healthy life, you get them not only the lowest creatinine level.
If high creatinine is related to kidney damage, the things you have to do are repair damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Chinese teachers discover some herbs have function to extend blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, and promote recovery of damaged kidney cells. Micro-Medicine China Osmotherapy is an osmotherapy, it can make the work of herbs faster. By improving kidney function, the creatinine can leave the body and the creatinine changes low of its own.
If you have other questions or doubts, you can ask our teacher online.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
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My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
Changing the course of high creatinine from GEFS
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Changing the course of high creatinine from GEFS |
Someone from GEFS tells the teacher that his creatinine is 7.2 and he is in the fifth stage of GEFS. your doctor advised you to start dialysis because your creatinine is high. He wants to know how to change GEF's high-creatinine course.
Different patient needs different treatment plan. If you want a single treatment plan, you can ask our doctor online.
Generally, creatinine in blood not high than normal level, unless more than 50% loss of renal function. The creatinine of 7.2 is a serious renal damage. To change the course of the high creatinine of GEFS, you have to limit the consumption of food.
What meals do patients have to limit? GEFS is focal and segmental glomeruloscleriosis, excess protein increases the load on the kidneys, enlargement of the glomerular membrane filtration pore size, this causes the disease worse. And some supplements do not do strenuous exercise. Muscle metabolism produces creatinine, strenuous exercise stimulates muscle metabolism produces more creatine changes to creatinine.
Generally, it uses Ketosteril to lower the creatinine level, slows the progression of chronic renal failure. And some herbs increase the export of kidney, carry more bad things of the kidney.
If diet and treatment do not work, you have to change dialysis or some other kidney replacement therapy. But not having the GEFS patients with high creatinine need dialysis, they may use some treatments to delay or even avoid dialysis. But if plans are connivent to you it is dependent on your illness condition.
If you have questions or doubts, ask the teachers online.
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
High creatinine calamities
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High creatinine |
High creatinine indicates the kidney has damage, it is easy to cure kidney disease, therefore patients have to take great care for this disease.And high creatinine has what calamities? The following words, I tell you the calamities.
1. Cardiovascular system: patients appear heart failure, myocardial damage.
2. Digestive system: patients develop anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with severe disease changes.
3. Respiratory system: When patients acidosis occurs when the phenomenon of deep and long breathing, and smelling ammonia. Even the severe patients appear pulmonary edema and pulmonary calcification.
4. Nervous system: at the early stage, patients appear dizziness, headache, fatigue and loss of memory.with the disease changes severe, appear irritability and do not control in time, appear lethargy and coma.
If you have doubts or other questions, ask our teacher online at any time
If you are interested in Toxin-Removing Treatment or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to know more details about it, we will do utmost to meet your needs and help treat your disease. Welcome to consult our ONLINE DOCTOR for free in the popup window so get fast and professional information.
Our Email:
My name is Susan Wang. My desire is to help kidney patients out of trouble more kidney disease. Whatsapp: +86 13503211882
What Is My Life Expectancy of PKD Without Kidney Transplant
What Is My Life Expectancy of PKD Without Kidney Transplant. Welcome to Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute. Here we can provide professional and characteristic treatment suggestion for all of Kidney Disease patients, including CKD, Kidney Failure, Diabetic Kidney Disease, Kidney Cyst, PKD, etc.
My mother is having PKD. And her cretanin is 9. she has family history of PKD. Life Expectancy of PKD Without Kidney Transplant
Hello, my name is Tina. I am from the USA. I have advanced PKD. My GFR is only 8.
Have you been on dialysis?
I have been on dialysis for approximately 2 years.
Do you know what causes your kidney damage. i was born with it. With is my life expectancy without a transplant?
How long have you been on dialysis?
December will be 3 years.
It is a long time. Do you still pass urine?
Yes I do.
As long as you pass urine, your condition can be improved. That is, dialysis times can be reduced.
Mine is PKD and chronic kidney disease.
Ok it is a genetic kidney disease. Is there any family member with PKD?
You are right. Yes, just about all the females and 1 male.
It deprives from our biological grandfather.
I had transplant but the result was not good.
Yes. Transplant can not change the gene so the result will not be good. A good treatment for PKD should be able to shrink your kidney cysts and improve your renal function.
What is the treatment?
It is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital. It is external application based on traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicines are selected and then micronized into pieces. Chinese medicines will be put into two medicated bags. Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients arrive at kidney lesion directly. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy shrinks kidney cysts and stop their growth through increasing the permeability of cystic wall, decreasing lining cells’ activity of secreting cyst fluid and changing inner and outer pressure difference of cyst wall. In this way, cystic fluid will be reabsorbed and finally removed from your body with urine. Then kidney cysts will be small and your kidney function can be improved as well.
Wow. That seems very interesting. Is it in USA.
Sorry. It is only available in China now.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
My mother is having PKD. And her cretanin is 9. she has family history of PKD. Life Expectancy of PKD Without Kidney Transplant
Hello, my name is Tina. I am from the USA. I have advanced PKD. My GFR is only 8.
Have you been on dialysis?
I have been on dialysis for approximately 2 years.
Do you know what causes your kidney damage. i was born with it. With is my life expectancy without a transplant?
How long have you been on dialysis?
December will be 3 years.
It is a long time. Do you still pass urine?
Yes I do.
As long as you pass urine, your condition can be improved. That is, dialysis times can be reduced.
Mine is PKD and chronic kidney disease.
Ok it is a genetic kidney disease. Is there any family member with PKD?
You are right. Yes, just about all the females and 1 male.
It deprives from our biological grandfather.
I had transplant but the result was not good.
Yes. Transplant can not change the gene so the result will not be good. A good treatment for PKD should be able to shrink your kidney cysts and improve your renal function.
What is the treatment?
It is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in our hospital. It is external application based on traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicines are selected and then micronized into pieces. Chinese medicines will be put into two medicated bags. Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients arrive at kidney lesion directly. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy shrinks kidney cysts and stop their growth through increasing the permeability of cystic wall, decreasing lining cells’ activity of secreting cyst fluid and changing inner and outer pressure difference of cyst wall. In this way, cystic fluid will be reabsorbed and finally removed from your body with urine. Then kidney cysts will be small and your kidney function can be improved as well.
Wow. That seems very interesting. Is it in USA.
Sorry. It is only available in China now.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients. Welcome to Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute. Here we can provide professional and characteristic treatment suggestion for all of Kidney Disease patients, including CKD, Kidney Failure, Diabetic Kidney Disease, Kidney Cyst, PKD, etc.
Hello my auntie lives in new Zealand she's been told she needs dialysis but she dont want it how can she fix this. Yes tablets diaformin 3xa dat, but her creatinine was high
Name: Irina
Gender: Female
Age: 38 Years Old
Country: Kazakhstan
Diagnose: Nephritis
Patient Word:
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients. A nephritis patient from Kazakhstan comes to our hospital for treatment. Without regarding a thousand miles as very distance, she comes to China just in order to regain her life.
She has obvious bubbly urine before adopting our treatment. She has tried various medicines but there is no improvement in her condition. In order to seek a better treatment, she found our hospital through Internet. She comes for a try.
In our hospital, the treatment is mainly unique and systematic Chinese medicine treatment called Toxin-Removing Treatment including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. As its name suggests, Toxin-Removing Treatment first purifies your blood and then give you a clean blood environment for repairing injured kidney tissues.
How is blood cleansed?
When kidneys are damaged, they fail to remove wastes and toxins from your body. Then toxins and wastes can deposit in blood and kidney intrinsic cells. Some western medicines can expel toxins and wastes from your blood but toxins and wastes in kidney intrinsic cells can not be removed. Chinese medicines can cleanse toxins and wastes both in blood and kidney intrinsic cells. This can give you a clean blood environment. Then, several Chinese medicine therapies may combine together to restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. When your injured kidney tissues are restored, your symptoms disappear naturally.
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis PatientsFoamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients
After a period of Toxin-Removing Treatment, there is change in her urine. Bubbles in her urine reduce and her urine becomes turbidity. It proves her kidney function has been improved. She is very happy with our result.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
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Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute |
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Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute |
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Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute |
Name: Irina
Gender: Female
Age: 38 Years Old
Country: Kazakhstan
Diagnose: Nephritis
Patient Word:
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients. A nephritis patient from Kazakhstan comes to our hospital for treatment. Without regarding a thousand miles as very distance, she comes to China just in order to regain her life.
She has obvious bubbly urine before adopting our treatment. She has tried various medicines but there is no improvement in her condition. In order to seek a better treatment, she found our hospital through Internet. She comes for a try.
In our hospital, the treatment is mainly unique and systematic Chinese medicine treatment called Toxin-Removing Treatment including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Steaming Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. As its name suggests, Toxin-Removing Treatment first purifies your blood and then give you a clean blood environment for repairing injured kidney tissues.
How is blood cleansed?
When kidneys are damaged, they fail to remove wastes and toxins from your body. Then toxins and wastes can deposit in blood and kidney intrinsic cells. Some western medicines can expel toxins and wastes from your blood but toxins and wastes in kidney intrinsic cells can not be removed. Chinese medicines can cleanse toxins and wastes both in blood and kidney intrinsic cells. This can give you a clean blood environment. Then, several Chinese medicine therapies may combine together to restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. When your injured kidney tissues are restored, your symptoms disappear naturally.
Foamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis PatientsFoamy Urine Disappears Naturally In Nephritis Patients
After a period of Toxin-Removing Treatment, there is change in her urine. Bubbles in her urine reduce and her urine becomes turbidity. It proves her kidney function has been improved. She is very happy with our result.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients
Welcome to Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute. Here we can provide professional and characteristic treatment suggestion for all of Kidney Disease patients, including CKD, Kidney Failure, Diabetic Kidney Disease, Kidney Cyst, PKD, etc.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients. Uncle Li has been bothered by leg pain for 10 years. He is just 58 years old but looks very older. He suffers from uremia and high uric acid level.
Due to improper diet and seafood intake, it causes his elevated uric acid level. Then his kidneys aer damaged. High uric acid and creatinine level occur. In order to seek radical remedy, he comes to our hospital for treatment. The main treatment in our hospital is a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. On the basis of Chinese medicine therapies, we create Toxin-Removing Treatment which first cleanses your blood and then repair your injured kidney tissues.
Why your blood should be purified first?
Healthy kidneys can discharge wastes and toxins out of your body. However, when kidneys are damaged, toxins and wastes will accumulate in your body and damage your kidneys further. Without a clean blood environment, your medicines can not produce their efficacy and also kidneys can not be repaired. Thus, the first step in kidney disease treatment is to purify your blood. Toxin-Removing Treatment can remove toxins and wastes from your body through increasing your urine volume, improving your bowel movement and sweating a lot. Besides, Chinese medicines can also give you some nutrients.
How does Toxin-Removing Treatment repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function?
In a clean and nutritious blood environment, Chinese medicines can restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
With Toxin-Removing Treatment, in just 2 weeks, uric acid is reduced to 161from 579 and uremia is reduced to 400 from 867. He keeps far away from dialysis.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients
If you have any question, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients. Uncle Li has been bothered by leg pain for 10 years. He is just 58 years old but looks very older. He suffers from uremia and high uric acid level.
Due to improper diet and seafood intake, it causes his elevated uric acid level. Then his kidneys aer damaged. High uric acid and creatinine level occur. In order to seek radical remedy, he comes to our hospital for treatment. The main treatment in our hospital is a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. On the basis of Chinese medicine therapies, we create Toxin-Removing Treatment which first cleanses your blood and then repair your injured kidney tissues.
Why your blood should be purified first?
Healthy kidneys can discharge wastes and toxins out of your body. However, when kidneys are damaged, toxins and wastes will accumulate in your body and damage your kidneys further. Without a clean blood environment, your medicines can not produce their efficacy and also kidneys can not be repaired. Thus, the first step in kidney disease treatment is to purify your blood. Toxin-Removing Treatment can remove toxins and wastes from your body through increasing your urine volume, improving your bowel movement and sweating a lot. Besides, Chinese medicines can also give you some nutrients.
How does Toxin-Removing Treatment repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function?
In a clean and nutritious blood environment, Chinese medicines can restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
With Toxin-Removing Treatment, in just 2 weeks, uric acid is reduced to 161from 579 and uremia is reduced to 400 from 867. He keeps far away from dialysis.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients
If you have any question, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
How To Improve Kidney Function In Diabetic Nephropathy
How To Improve Kidney Function In Diabetic Nephropathy. Welcome to Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute. Here we can provide professional and characteristic treatment suggestion for all of Kidney Disease patients, including CKD, Kidney Failure, Diabetic Kidney Disease, Kidney Cyst, PKD, etc.
How To Improve Kidney Function In Diabetics. at 17% Kidney function which treatment is best. What kind of treatment by using ketosteril at creatinine level is 3.00; Age-44; weight-56 Kg, my wife also tookstaroid cartan 6 months before for the las 10 months. Pls provide me the function of ketosteril andit bad impact( if any). If possible, to improve it. One of the common long-term complications of diabetes is kidney damage. Once your kidneys are damaged, your kidney function will decline. With low kidney function, a series of symptoms can occur like itchy skin, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and numbness, etc. Well then, how to improve renal function in diabetes?
People with diabetes can do many things to lower the risk. Tight control of blood glucose levels can prevent or reduce long-term damage to the fragile blood vessels not only in the kidneys but also elsewhere in the body.
Diet is also important for improving renal function in diabetes. Patients can drink skim or fat-free milk, non-dairy creamer, plain yogurt, sugar-free yogurt. On the contary, you should avoid chocolate milk, buttermilk, sugar sweetened pudding, sugar sweetened ice cream. As for fruits, you can choose apple, apple juice, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries and pears instead of avocados, bananas, dried fruits like dates, raisins, fresh pears, star fruit, orange and orange juices.
The key point for improving renal function in diabetes is Chinese medicine treatments which can repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. Chinese medicine treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. They can purify your blood and then restore the injured kidney tissues through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. Our Chinese medicine treatments can treat your kidney from the root. But our treatment requires you come to China. Is it possible for you to come to China
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
How To Improve Kidney Function In Diabetics. at 17% Kidney function which treatment is best. What kind of treatment by using ketosteril at creatinine level is 3.00; Age-44; weight-56 Kg, my wife also tookstaroid cartan 6 months before for the las 10 months. Pls provide me the function of ketosteril andit bad impact( if any). If possible, to improve it. One of the common long-term complications of diabetes is kidney damage. Once your kidneys are damaged, your kidney function will decline. With low kidney function, a series of symptoms can occur like itchy skin, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and numbness, etc. Well then, how to improve renal function in diabetes?
People with diabetes can do many things to lower the risk. Tight control of blood glucose levels can prevent or reduce long-term damage to the fragile blood vessels not only in the kidneys but also elsewhere in the body.
Diet is also important for improving renal function in diabetes. Patients can drink skim or fat-free milk, non-dairy creamer, plain yogurt, sugar-free yogurt. On the contary, you should avoid chocolate milk, buttermilk, sugar sweetened pudding, sugar sweetened ice cream. As for fruits, you can choose apple, apple juice, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries and pears instead of avocados, bananas, dried fruits like dates, raisins, fresh pears, star fruit, orange and orange juices.
The key point for improving renal function in diabetes is Chinese medicine treatments which can repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. Chinese medicine treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. They can purify your blood and then restore the injured kidney tissues through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients. Our Chinese medicine treatments can treat your kidney from the root. But our treatment requires you come to China. Is it possible for you to come to China
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to
WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882, +86 18730617149
Skype: abc.kidney
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: Unique Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy
Toxin-Removing Treatment Eliminates Toxins in Diabetic Nephropathy
Chinese Medicine for Philippines Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy
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