In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, most unique treatments are created according to years of clinical experience and clinical researches, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated Bath, Moxibustion therapy, Steaming therapy, and Acupuncture therapy and so on.
The hospital has treated foreign patients from more than 148 countries, which has gained their high appreciations. These therapies can purify the internal blood environment, repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the residual kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and providing sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the damaged kidneys.
As long as you stop your kidneys deteriorating and improving the kidney function, high creatinine 351 can decline naturally. At the same time, necessary protein will be kept in the body effectively to reduce protein in urine. Other symptoms of the kidney disease will also be improved well.
The detailed treatment should depend on patients’ illness condition. In order to get an individual treatment suggestion, you can have a further talk with our ONLINE DOCTOR or leave a message in the below form directly or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to solve your problem.
The hospital has treated foreign patients from more than 148 countries, which has gained their high appreciations. These therapies can purify the internal blood environment, repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the residual kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and providing sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the damaged kidneys.
As long as you stop your kidneys deteriorating and improving the kidney function, high creatinine 351 can decline naturally. At the same time, necessary protein will be kept in the body effectively to reduce protein in urine. Other symptoms of the kidney disease will also be improved well.
The detailed treatment should depend on patients’ illness condition. In order to get an individual treatment suggestion, you can have a further talk with our ONLINE DOCTOR or leave a message in the below form directly or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to solve your problem.