Welcome to Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute. Here we can provide professional and characteristic treatment suggestion for all of Kidney Disease patients, including CKD, Kidney Failure, Diabetic Kidney Disease, Kidney Cyst, PKD, etc.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients. Uncle Li has been bothered by leg pain for 10 years. He is just 58 years old but looks very older. He suffers from uremia and high uric acid level.
Due to improper diet and seafood intake, it causes his elevated uric acid level. Then his kidneys aer damaged. High uric acid and creatinine level occur. In order to seek radical remedy, he comes to our hospital for treatment. The main treatment in our hospital is a series of Chinese medicine treatments including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup and Moxibustion Therapy, etc. On the basis of Chinese medicine therapies, we create Toxin-Removing Treatment which first cleanses your blood and then repair your injured kidney tissues.
Why your blood should be purified first?
Healthy kidneys can discharge wastes and toxins out of your body. However, when kidneys are damaged, toxins and wastes will accumulate in your body and damage your kidneys further. Without a clean blood environment, your medicines can not produce their efficacy and also kidneys can not be repaired. Thus, the first step in kidney disease treatment is to purify your blood. Toxin-Removing Treatment can remove toxins and wastes from your body through increasing your urine volume, improving your bowel movement and sweating a lot. Besides, Chinese medicines can also give you some nutrients.
How does Toxin-Removing Treatment repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function?
In a clean and nutritious blood environment, Chinese medicines can restore injured kidney tissues and improve renal function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
With Toxin-Removing Treatment, in just 2 weeks, uric acid is reduced to 161from 579 and uremia is reduced to 400 from 867. He keeps far away from dialysis.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Lowers High Uric Acid Level In Kidney Patients
If you have any question, you can leave a message below or consult our online doctor directly.
Toxin-Removing Treatment can lower uric acid in kidney. If you want to know more details about natural therapy for kidney disease, please leave a message in the below form or send test reports to huaxiainstitute@hotmail.com
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