Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice
Causes and Treatment for Creatinine Levels Went up from 303 to over 600
Are There Something Effective Therapies Can Prevent Dialysis Happening
Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Creatinine Level 7.6 Is Dialysis the Only Choice. You know for people with creatinine level 7.6 and suffered from many symptoms, doctors will recommend them to take dialysis, which can help them live better and longer. But some of the people do not want to take it because they can not stand for it, then is dialysis the only choice for stage 4 kidney failure patient with creatinine level 7.6 ?
And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney failure patient improve their kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the remaining ones from further damage. So, as one of the most effective treatment of kidney failure, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help stage 4 kidney failure patient get a chance to avoid dialysis.
What is the treatment effect of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
Short-term treatment effects:
- Alleviation in anemia, fatigue and poor appetite and insomnia.
- feel warm in your limbs and your face will seem ruddy
- urine volume increases and cotton-like materials can be found in urine
Long-term treatment effects:
-Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level decreases
-GFR increases
-Kidney function is improved and also protein and blood in urine can be reduced effectively
If you want to get more details about Toxin-Removing Treatment to stave off dialysis, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will try our best to help you solve the problem.
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