
Huaxia: Newest Treatment for Stage 3 Renal Failure

Newest Treatment for Stage 3 Renal Failure. Long-term experience have proved that conventional treatment can not bring stage 3 renal failure under control and helps to avoid dialysis, so new treatment is needed. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital, China, stage 3 renal failure is not simply treated with oral medicines like hypotensive drugs, prednisone, cyclophosphamide,etc. In our hospital, these medicines are applied as adjuvant therapy and to avoid the potential side effects, they are temporarily used. Chinese medicine play a dominant role in the systematic treatment for stage 3 renal failure.

Stage 3 renal failure is marked with moderate decreased kidney function. It is a relatively serious kidney condition, but not severe enough to deprive one’s life. In such a case, if we can prevent further kidney damages and at the same time repair some injured kidney tissues, it can be reversed back to stage 2 which can be treated easier.

The systematic treatment used in our hospital mainly contain the following several treatment methods:

1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This is an innovation of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). In this treatment, all the herbs are crushed into powder and then packed with special gauze. While stage 3 renal failure patients take this treatment, medicine packages are put in kidney location where there is Shen Shu acupoint. With the help of advanced medical device-permeameter, active ingredients in herbs get into kidneys directly to repair injured kidney tissues by dilating blood vessels, blocking inflammation, promoting bloodstream in kidney and increasing their self-healing ability. Owing to the special usage of herbs, no side effects are caused. Additional, with this special herbal treatment, not only low GFR can be increased, but also high creatinine level and BUN level can be lowered down to the normal range.

2. Mai kang mixture

Mai kang mixture is an orally used Chinese medicine which can help stage 3 renal failure patients reduce blood lipid, prevent thrombus, increase immunity, control high blood pressure and protect residual kidney tissues.

3. Herbs

Some herbs good for kidney like potentilla discolor bunge and snow lotus herb are also used in the systematic treatment for stage 3 renal failure. Of course what herbs to choose is based on patient’s exact illness condition.

4. Feet Bath

In our feet, there are lots of acupoints which are related with our internal organs. By having feet bath, actually not only kidneys are benefited, other internal organs also can be strengthened greatly.

This systematic treatment is the newest treatment for stage 3 renal failure. It is new, but effective. For patients who insist on using this Chinese medicine treatment, they can get good recovery and live as well as they did before.

Email: huaxiainstitute@hotmail.com.

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