Chinese Medicine for Kidney Failure Stage 3. Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital is a specialized hospital, which has treated thousands of kidney patients from 64 countries. Its characteristic treatment is Chinese medicine. What is Chinese medicine for kidney failure stage 3? Now let’s have a general look at them.
Kidney Failure
Kidney Failure Basic
Kidney Failure Symptoms
Kidney Failure Diet
Kidney Failure Treatment
Kidney Failure Healthy Living
When you are in kidney failure stage 3, some waste products begin to build up in the blood. Besides, the qi flowing in the channel is also blocked. And some of the inflammatory tissues may begin to become fibrosis.
According to this condition, we recommend you to use oral Chinese Medicine and external therapies together. In external therapies, there are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Full Bath, Circle Therapy, Enema Therapy, Acupuncture and Moxibustion. External therapies can help the oral Chinese medicine to play their role to the full. Under normal Circumstance, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang and decoction can help you repair the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function.
-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to infiltrate the micronized Chinese herbs into the damaged kidneys by osmosis devices. This therapy is anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, blood vessels dilation and extracellular matrix degradation.
-Medicated Foot Bath is to immerse your feet into the diluted medicated soup. The active ingredients can come into your body by pores and the waste in your body can also come out via those pores.
-Mai Kang is a kind of Chinese patent medicine. It can lower cholesterol level, reduce blood sugar level, control blood pressure and improve blood circulation.
-Decoction is prescribed according to your medical condition.
The above treatment can set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing. After a period of treatment, the damaged kidneys regain their ability. If you cooperate with our treatment, there is 50% possibility for you to reverse kidney failure stage 3 and live a normal life. For more information, please contact online doctor or leave a message below.
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