
Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease and new Treatment

Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease and new Treatment

Toxin-Removing Therapy is one of effective treatments in Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute for Kidney Disease.

菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:32:17

how can I avail the treatment, where and how much
creatinine level average of 15

kidney-expert 10-09 12:33:16

Any symptoms now? like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc

菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:33:52

actually am already on dialysis 3 times a week
kidney-expert 10-09 12:34:05

ok , for how long ? dialysis?

菲律宾客人2058 10-09 12:34:21

about three years now

Diuretic is usually used to discharge the extra fluids from the body. And both ACEI and ARB can significantly expand efferent arteriole of glomerulus and reduce the internal and external pressure of the glomerular capillaries. They also can improve the structure of the glomerular basement membrane, reducing its permeability to large molecules, thereby reducing proteinuria.

The above western medicines are effective to relieve swelling and proteinuria. But they cannot improve renal function that is why some patients will be bothered by years of proteinuria and swelling.

As for this condition, Chinese medicine treatments are better. Through years of clinical experience, our hospital has invented a series of natural therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy, Cupping Therapy, etc. They are helpful for patients to treat years of Hematuria, Proteinuria and Swelling radically.

We will choose the specific treatments for patients depending on their illness condition, so the treatment schedule is different from person to person. What is more, patient must come to our hospital to make personalized therapy.

Toxin-Removing Treatment can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant, but the premise is you still have residual renal function. If you wanna get more details about it or our hospital, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us or click ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

Email: huaxiainstitute@hotmail.com

WhatsApp/Viber: +86 13503211882


How to low his creatine, not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this

How to low his creatine, not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this

Is There Any Remedy to Get Rid of Dialysis in Kidney Failure

Is There Any Remedy for Diabetic Kidney Disease and High Creatinine Problem

Welcome to  HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

renal-online doctor 11-11 01:24:12

Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot.

印度客人5959 11-11 01:26:48

My dad creatine now 12.50 how to control it, he s not ready to go for dialysis any remedy for this

renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:02

it is very high

renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:10

yes , there is

renal-online doctor 11-11 01:27:13

and we can help

renal-online doctor 11-11 01:28:55

I’d like to send you more related information andalternative treatment advice to help lower his high creatinine level and improve the kidney function.


We have known the side effects of dialysis and oral western medicine, that is not means for patients can not take them at all. If it is necessary, they are still have some benefits.

Chinese medicine treatment is also able to work for those problems, furthermore, it can help to alleviate the symptoms due to dialysis and medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the core treatment for Chinese medicine treatment, which is not only help to reduce creatinine level but also will repair kidney damage and improve kidney function.

Kidney Failure Treatment More Than Kidney Transplant

Cousin sister need to undergo kidney transplantation. is there any alternative?
Kidney Failure Treatment More Than Kidney Transplant

Welcome to  HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

renal-online doctor 11-11 17:00:08

Hi, I’m a true online doctor, not a robot. Please type your question or leave your email address/phone and get free help!

美国客人11510 11-11 17:00:46

Cousin sister need to undergo kidney transplantation. is there any alternative ?

renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:07


renal-online doctor 11-11 17:01:22

what treatment is she taking now/ dialysis?

美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:02

So far she has Not did any dialysis

renal-online octor 11-11 17:02:19

do you know what cause the kidney damage?

美国客人11510 11-11 17:02:32

She put insulin regularly

Due to diabetes

renal-online doctor 11-11 17:02:54

I’d like to send you related information and alternatvie treatment advice to help,  I will contact you as soon as possible . Have a good day .
Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.

Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.

They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.

Systematic Chinese medicine treatments can help kidney failure patients avoid kidney transplant. If you want to know more details, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports to us. We will do utmost to help you.

My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do

My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do
13-Year-Old Patient Get Away From Dialysis Successfully

Solution for Sleeping Problem of ESRD Patient on Dialysis

Welcome to  Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

美国客人2271 11-11 04:10:03

Hello sir

kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:18

kidney-expert 11-11 04:10:28

Is there any person with kidney disease?

美国客人2271 11-11 04:12:38

My father suffering from ckd and his uria 143 and cra 7.5 and potesiam 4.5 what can I do

kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:36

 his creatinine level is too high

kidney-expert 11-11 04:13:41

 is he on dialysis,now?

kidney-expert 11-11 04:14:55

still here?

美国客人2271 11-11 04:15:09

One dialysis have done

kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:25

i see

kidney-expert 11-11 04:15:35

then, does he have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other problem?

美国客人2271 11-11 04:16:56


kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:21

i have known his case

kidney-expert 11-11 04:17:34

for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help lower the creatinine leve

美国客人2271 11-11 04:19:14


kidney-expert 11-11 04:19:28

i can send you   all the  information about our therapy to help you

Dialysis may be asked to help the damaged kidneys remove the wastes and toxins from your body. While it is a temporary relief as it can only relieve the symptoms and play no work for damaged kidneys. Once your miss a time, your Creatinine level or any other symptom will appear again. So more and more patients complain their creatinine level will rise and fall and wonder try other treatment ways.

Compared with kidney transplant and dialysis, TCM is an effective way to help you repair your damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, the nephrologists have invented a series of Chinese medicine treatments, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated bath, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture therapy, Steaming therapy, Enema therapy, etc.

They can meet the above goals through the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, removing stasis, blocking renal fibrosis, and providing nutrients and oxygen to your kidneys. As long as your kidney function is improved well, your kidneys can be prevented from total failure and get away from kidney transplant.

How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without Dialysis

How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without Dialysis

Welcome to  Huaxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

美国客人2637 11-11 04:59:27
 How can i inprove  my kidney i am a dialysis patient.

kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:49
we can help u

kidney-expert 11-11 04:59:56

how long have you been on dialysis?

美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:16
i have been a patient for five years

kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:32
i see

kidney-expert 11-11 05:01:46

then, do you know what cause the kidney damage?

美国客人2637 11-11 05:01:47

 i am on home dialysis

kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:00

i have known your case

kidney-expert 11-11 05:03:13

for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help you improve the kidney function

How Long Can Kidney Failure Patients Live without DialysisIt is common situation that more and more people are choosing Dialysis to deal with Kidney Failure. However, it brings many side effects such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramp, etc. Patients wonder how long can they live without dialysis?

In the past, majority of patients choose dialysis to treat kidney disease as their hope. But to be honest, dialysis is not the perfect therapy for improving renal function because it can not perform the kidney secretion function and repair kidneys lesion.

If patients do not take dialysis, they also have other options. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Moxibustion Therapy can replace dialysis to discharge the extra creatine and other wastes from the body so as to lower High Creatinine Level and other abnormal symptoms.

The active ingredients of Chinese medicines can dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, and bring nutrients and oxygen to kidney. Gradually these natural therapies can help patients avoid dialysis or even get rid of dialysis. they also can prolong the patients’ life span with the improved renal function.

Where to Find Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Shrinking Cysts in Kenya

Where to Find Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Shrinking Cysts in Kenya

Welcome to  HuaXia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

英国客人3519 11-11 07:14:40

Ive got kidney cysts, how safe is it to take jou herbal treatment

kidney-expert 11-11 07:14:57

we can help u

kidney-expert 11-11 07:15:04

what is the size of the cyst?

kidney-expert 11-11 07:16:04

do you have any symptoms.,like back pain ,swelling ,protein  or blood in urine?

英国客人3519 11-11 07:17:22

Swelling. Back pain

kidney-expert 11-11 07:17:53

pls,do not worry

kidney-expert 11-11 07:18:06

for the case ,we can send u some medical, diet plan and natural treatment suggestions to help shrink the cyst

英国客人3519 11-11 07:22:34

Is osmotherapy any good

kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:46


kidney-expert 11-11 07:22:56

it can help you shrink the cyst

Kidney CYST

Kidney Cyst is one kind of Kidney Disease. It is irreversible by itself. Once you are diagnosed with Kidney Cyst, please take prompt and proper treatment to prevent its progression and protect residual kidney function. According to kidney cyst, the key treatment should get rid of cystic fluid to make kidney cysts soft and smaller. Only in this way can reduce compression injury on kidneys.


In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a radical treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine for kidney cysts. With the help of osmotic machine, the active ingredients in Osmotherapy can be permeated into kidney meridians directly. It can increase the permeability of cystic wall, promote blood circulation and the removal of cystic fluid, decrease intracapsular pressure and inhibit the growth of cysts. What is more, the therapy can help repair the kidney damage and improve kidney function. In this way, the kidney cysts can be shrunk naturally and fundamentally.

With this therapy’s help, you also can avoid surgery or biopsy successfully. But we have no branch in USA, UK, Australia, Kenya, India, Pakistan and other countries nowadays. You need to come to China to get this treatment.

If you are a kidney cyst patient and are looking for natural and effective treatment for shrinking kidney cysts, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help you. Welcome to go abroad to China for treatment. Any problem if you have, please leave your message in the below. Best wishes!


Alternative Therapy of Dialysis in Renal Insufficiency

Alternative Therapy of Dialysis in Renal Insufficiency

Kidney Failure Treatment,Avoid Dialysis,Toxin-Removing TreatmentIf you are in Renal Insufficiency (Kidney Failure stage), you may be curious is there any alternative therapy of Dialysis to treat the condition effectively. The answer is positive. In this article, you will get the answer you want to know.

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In general, when your kidneys are damaged seriously, they usually fail to filter the extra waste products and toxins from the body. As the concentration of toxins is very high, it may threaten the patients’ life. That is why your doctor may insist dialysis. If so, you need to undergo it to stabilize your condition and then take another treatment to help repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Through a period of treatment, you can stop dialysis finally.


Toxin-Removing Treatment is a comprehensive therapy which utilizes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

In general, when your kidneys are damaged seriously, they usually fail to filter the extra waste products and toxins from the body. As the concentration of toxins is very high, it may threaten the patients’ life. That is why your doctor may insist dialysis. If so, you need to undergo it to stabilize your condition and then take another treatment to help repair the damaged kidney cells and improve kidney function. Through a period of treatment, you can stop dialysis finally.

But if you do not have severe complications, you can completely choose conservative therapy to treat kidney failure effectively.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is a comprehensive therapy which utilizes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Medicated bath, Steaming Therapy, acupuncture therapy and various Chinese medicine therapies to remove the extra wastes through urine, stool and sweat. In this way, it can help increase the kidney self-healing ability and other medication efficiency. It can also dilate blood vessels to remove blood stasis, making blood flow smoothly and improving renal anoxia and anemia state. What is more, the Chinese medicines can provide necessary nutrition to the kidneys so as to speed up kidney recovery.

When you see the flocs in urine, it means your kidneys begin discharging the toxins from the body. About half a month of treatment, Creatinine level, BUN level, and other abnormal levels will be reduced.

If you really want to avoid dialysis in kidney failure, you should take treatment soon to save the residual kidney function. More details, you can leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. Best wishes!

High Creatinine 351 and protein in urine (Proteinuria) are all the signs of damaged kidney cells

In Huaxia Kidney Disease Research Institute, most unique treatments are created according to years of clinical experience and clinical researches, including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath therapy, Medicated Bath, Moxibustion therapy, Steaming therapy, and Acupuncture therapy and so on.

The hospital has treated foreign patients from more than 148 countries, which has gained their high appreciations. These therapies can purify the internal blood environment, repair the damaged kidney cells and protect the residual kidney function through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, degradation of extracellular matrix, removing stasis, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and providing sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the damaged kidneys.

As long as you stop your kidneys deteriorating and improving the kidney function, high creatinine 351 can decline naturally. At the same time, necessary protein will be kept in the body effectively to reduce protein in urine. Other symptoms of the kidney disease will also be improved well.

The detailed treatment should depend on patients’ illness condition. In order to get an individual treatment suggestion, you can have a further talk with our ONLINE DOCTOR or leave a message in the below form directly or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to solve your problem.



This therapy has been proven to be effective to help patients slow down the progression and improve their kidney function. It is an external application therapy that patients lie on the bed comfortably to finish the whole treatment process. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances of herbs will permeate into the kidney lesion directly. At the same time, enough blood, oxygen and nutrients can be spread in the kidneys to stimulate the kidney self-healing.

It can be used combined with other treatments, including Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.

Do you have any doubt about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? If you want to know more details about natural therapies, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.



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